Google Hijacked in Google:
Official Google AdSense site bit by a meta refresh. hmm. Low quality site? more at ThreadWatch
For those who spin all the ethics stuff, do you think Google knew of the problem and was lying when they said it was no big deal? If so, is it ethical for them to tell blatent lies? If not, how is it that SEOs know more about their search engine than they do and they generally disocunt the whole concept of SEO?
Yahoo! Q Challenge:
whats up with a $5,000 prize - that surely is not much payout for the value they could create with that contest. I might need to create a similar marketing program for myself. hehehe
Michael Nguyen posts about some of their search features.
Novice Spam Tool:
I have not tried it, but someone promoted this site, via forum spam of course.
Yahoo! Public Site Match:
Nothing more than a PR stunt? It sure smells the part. A while ago they promoted that program a good bit, but it sure is hard to find information about it nowadays.
Masochistic Behavior:
reading IHY forums. I don't know anywhere else where a single comment can return pages about what a horrible person you are. SEO is doomed. We are all evil. hehehe
Lots of good ones in that rant thread, but one of my all time favorite Doug quote:
Most journalists I know of at least fall on one side or the other.
Another scary thing with that thread is I find myself agreeing with Glengara!
Open Source Rank Checker:
I have not tried it, but a friend pointed me to this software. I am not sure how it plays with Google, since they have been blocking some automated software.
OPD Should Close Shop?
Danny Sullivan weighs in on the ODP's recent site submission status closure.
Black Market Porn:
UK bans selling porn DVDs over the web. UK prostitution market to soar ;)
There is a website that qualifies you and prints out your ordained ministor certification in under a minute. A person today tried to justify me giving away my business model to them because they spent the minute to print one out.
Evolution of Yahoo! Search:
article about Yahoo! creating their search service. thnx to RC