Goole Toolbar PageRank Missing, Google Engineers at WMW Conference, Yahoo! & DMOZ Weighting

goes missing from toolbar. Brett Tabke said it is just a temporary glitch though.

Google Engineers:to appear at the New Orleans WMW conference

Does Reciprocal Linking Work?
Recently I saw the Blue Gecko SEO forums ranking at #10 for SEO. Most of his link popularity looked like it was from link trades associated with his webmaster resources directory. The reason people say link trades do not work are mostly because:

  • they are usually slow and expensive to build if you do not outsource or automate

  • most people exchanging links in bulk are not doing so with quality sites

DMOZ Weighting in Yahoo!:
I created a one page site about Effexor which is listed in DMOZ. I have not built any other linkage data, and it is ranking in the mid 30s for Effexor out of over 7,000,000 sites.

Published: May 28, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google yahoo seo tips


May 29, 2005 - 9:46am

Some might be me top 10, then I will pay attention.
PS- what was your score in the current hot topic for the SEO quiz..?

Seems Danny Sullivan is doing pretty well..

May 29, 2005 - 4:49pm

Hi Brian

>Some might be me top 10, then I will pay attention.

that sounds a bit short sighted or spoken from limited perspective. My point was not that I am great for that ranking (as I have done little to earn a top rank on that site). what is impressive is that the DMOZ link is weighted that heavily. certainly interesting and well worth pointing out.

>PS- what was your score in the current hot topic for the SEO quiz..?

I think like 26, but some of the answers might have been a bit subjective as well. I usually am pretty good at quizes, but fell short on that one. Would have liked to have got in the 30s :(

>Seems Danny Sullivan is doing pretty well..

since he is prettymuch god of internet search it would indicate that the quiz was rigged if he didn't have on of the best scores

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