AdSense Tips, Google Israel, Google Updates Webmaster Guidelines, More...

Subscribers thread at WMW offering tips to making money from AdSense

here is an example of some of OddSod's advice:

Adwords cost:
unreliable hosting £0.04
server going down £0.04

If you do a special landing page and convert those to dedicated server (£3.00 of which you'll likely get £2) you need only a 2% CTR to break even. Many sites find it quite easy to achieve 5%.

One of the few words I remember from my brief stay in Israel. Apparently Google wants to go there too, as they are pondering opening up a new office.

Webmaster Guidelines:
Google recently updated them.

The Beauty of Search:
rant post by Sebastian

Google Server IP Address:
DaveN pointed at a cool new FireFox plugin that shows the IP address your search results are coming from.

A hip SEO technique. says Woz

Sites Postioned Above Mine:
thread about ways to penalize sites which are overtly manipulating search relevancy. A few interesting posts and points of view in there, as well as links to a white paper on the topic.

Interview of John Marshall

Published: June 6, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google seo tools


Rob Walling
June 7, 2005 - 2:30am

What forum in WMW did OddSod post to? I'd like to check out the full text.

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