Buying Links to Ban, Discount Directory Submission, Competition Equalizer

Buying Links to Ban a Competing Site:
Rumour has it that with the latest Google update a few people have started in on this practice...buying sitewide keyword rich links to help their competitors get blacklisted...surely SEO is going to get a bit more ugly here soon ;)

Directory Submission:
150 directories for $99. Not that long ago the price was $30 so there must be decent demand.

I tried the 50 blog for $10 package for a few sites a while ago, but something about that price makes me feel like the service quality has to be limited.

Price points also help people associate a value with the service, so even if the service is decent the person doing it should charge more to make people think they are getting something of value, which generally appears not to be the case right now.

I do a good bit of directory submissions from time to time. I usually submit to about the same number of directories as that package except I do both free and paid directories. I do not mind paying for links because it means that the directory is more likely to have a functional business model and the links will not go away as quick.

Directory registration is exceptionally effective in MSN and Yahoo! right now.

Competition Equalizer:
other than having a different name what the hell does this software do that AdWords Analyzer does not? Wouldn't it have been better to release any additional AdWords related features as an upgrade to the AdWords Analyzer program?

Published: March 10, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google seo tools seo tips


March 17, 2005 - 5:27am

Hi Aaron,

as for the price, rest assured this has nothing to do with quality. It is just that where I live the wages are significantly lower than in US. The price was raised so I could afford to buy your book :). No frankly, though I plan to do that soon, it was raised because of overload, but price might be back soon for non deadline service.

The thread that was raised about that on searchenginewatch forums is interesting. It certainly makes one quickly realize who actually does SEO and has results, and who only talks about it on forums.

March 17, 2005 - 7:36am

>as for the price, rest assured this has nothing to do with quality.

its not always 100% about value, but about the perception of vaule. if you are doing a really good job you could justify charging far more for your services...and likely get greater profits and better customers in the process.

>It certainly makes one quickly realize who actually does SEO and has results, and who only talks about it on forums.

while that statement is generally valid, a single particular thread may not be enough to fully understand who is who and who does what. for example, I do not think Lots0 was too high on the project idea, but he is probably one of the top 5 trusted SEO people on the web IMHO

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