More on Publishing...

Tim O'Reilly likes Google Print, but realizes times are changing:

I do think that a lot of the resistance from publishers has to do with the fear of ultimately being disintermediated by Google. And it's a legitimate fear. The publishers who don't embrace the net will be swept away by it, while those who do will surf the wave to new excitement. Print-bound intermediaries will go away, but they will be replaced by new delivery-mechanism-agnostic intermediaries and business models. The role of the intermediary will remain because it's driven by the law of large numbers.

Tim also pointed at this amazing article: Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online Distribution.

Seth Godin reminds us that readers are already paying if they are paying attention, and as a bonus, posts on how / why ideas spread.

Published: September 27, 2005 by Aaron Wall in internet


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