SEO Everywhere? SEO on The Apprentice...

I can't believe I am making a post about reality TV...please don't hate me for it, but an SEO who met my friend Avi at WMW New Orleans is a canidate on The Apprentice.

While I do not watch TV I am rooting for the SEO. Those who watch, please take note to how & when he spams the show with product placement, keyword density, and the like.

Published: September 27, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


October 27, 2005 - 4:29pm

Think of all the "the free traffic" you are getting Mr. Wall, is it true that "negative hype" from that legal thing is sending you to good places? Today even Matt Cutts from Google mentions you in his blog which is very cool! :-)

And thank you for answering my emails a couple years back, the advice you gave was really useful, I consider you the king of "white-hat" marketing.

Go forth and prosper,


September 28, 2005 - 3:27am

It would be amazing if one of the candidates could use the power of a blog to help win in their projects. Think of all the free net traffic which they can utilize.

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