Desired SEO Tools

Are there any SEO tools you would like to see made that are not on the market?

Published: September 28, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


September 28, 2005 - 1:44pm

That's a good request Aaron, there is so much that is missing from a SEO toolbox. I know one of the problems we have is "good software" that records several functions including the following:

Client data

Link Campaign

Work completed

Work out-standing

If there was good software for this would be great. It's basically SEO project management software that will allow for the entire project of a client to be managed from every angle of SEO perspective.
At the moment we find our selves using several pieces of software to manage all parts of a campaign. None of it has been written by SEO's for SEO.

My few bucks!

September 28, 2005 - 9:48pm

Aaron, I'd definitely like to see that backlink analysis tool worked on. What a great tool it is, but it could do with some work and additional features.

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