Matt Cutts Las Vegas WMW Keynote

Spam is a subset of SEO...not all SEO bad, etc.

Nissan Motors robots.txt blocks all spiders.

Testing fixing 302's. Want to accept destination URL except for like 0.5% of the time. Gives SF Giants URL as an example.

Somethings in index can be perceived in our process as the sandbox...does not apply to all sites.

Does not see Google buying DMOZ or killing reliance on it.

Google does not have the ability to hand boost any sites. They do have the ability to penalize things by hand they believe are spam or illegal.

Autolink...references how it was liked at Web2.0. Thinks the launch could have been better. Would like to allow users to enter their own triggers.

Users and take search to the next level you need some information about the users. Matt said he wouldn't work at a company that he felt violated users privacy.

Matt has never worried much about hidden table row type techniques to organize word order. With CSS if you want see how it influences a file test it.

Toolbar does not influence how frequently stuff is crawled. It is too easy to spam, and the toolbar does not have equal distribution across various regions. Many people assume some things provide clean signals which are not so clean.

Matt as a webspam team member said he has no ability or intent to accessing the Google Analytics data.

Litmus test of a site for spam is what value does it add to the web. User reviews, forums, community, etc. What makes a site unique.

Matt Cutts hates on paid links. He said they have manual and algorithmic approaches to paid links. Compares effectiveness of paid links going forward to how reciprocal link spam has largely died off with Update Jager.

If you have to something creative and useful it is easy to get quality links that are hard for your competitors to try to recreate.

Not too long ago I interviewed Matt Cutts.

Yahoo! Publisher Contextual Lunch

Why chose Yahoo!?

  • provide control to publishers - not a black box

  • quality network
  • competitive revenue opportunity (over 100,000 ad buyers)
  • opportunity to integrate with Yahoo! content & Yahoo! users
    custmoer service & community

Size of Yahoo! Publishing beta?
approximately 2,000 publishers

they just launched ads in rss feeds

  • open to all beat participants

  • diversifies rev ops
  • aligns w growing shift to rss
  • supports movabletype and wordpress
  • ads optimized to drive revenue

Yahoo! stated some think 5-6% of web users use rss but Yahoo! research showed it was closer to 30% of web users.

Jen asked if Yahoo! has anything similar to Google AdWords smart pricing?

  • not needed for the following reasons

  • allows advertisers to bid separately for the different content channels
  • Yahoo! is more selective with partners

Jen asked when Yahoo! Publisher would be global
likely early 2006

plans for an affiliate program?
want to work to lower bar to make it easier for publishers to make money and work with Yahoo!...will allow affiliate program and will likely eventually support cpm pricing

wide range of topics on one to be relevant?
can target ads at page level, directory level, or site level...can allow page or directory to override the site level targeting

going to change rev share percentage after beta?
absolutely not, but eventually may use traffic quality to adjust click price

Will Yahoo! offer behavioral targeting on contextual ads?
no nearterm plans, but may eventually

Rate of revshare / how compare to Google AdWords?
Yahoo! does not share the revshare %. more interested in being competitive in allow you to monetize.
revshare by publisher will vary over time

may eventually say you are in x range... to get in another range you may need to (get more traffic higher quality clicks etc)

Jen said targeting was no good at it where it needs to be?
still working to improve...pleased with speed at which it is being made better

Will Yahoo! offer a premium publisher program?
may give advertisers more control over who working with. but even small publisher may be premium if quality targeted traffic etc

How long will Yahoo! publisher in beta?
maybe toward end of q1

Jen asked plan on cpm ads?
may add cpm cpa. yahoo already does cpm on internal network

Will Overture drop the minimum bid?

Robert X. Cringely Keynote at WMW Las Vegas

  • Robert X Cringely created Triumph of the Nerds

  • he once lost a 96,000 word manuscript and there was no restore function. He created the trash can on Apple's project Lisa, making emptying it a two step process.
  • in 1984 he helped build internal and corporate communications for Apple. In 1991 Apple sold that to Quantum Data Physics (later named AOL)
  • spooks went to xerox parc and xerox offered a huge price for a computer. the price was too high. the went to Stanford, and although they never originally created computers to sell Sun (stanford university nework workstation) was born. stanford saw no intellectual property in sun.
  • cisco came out of the same building as Sun. It used same motherboard as sun. cisco started on credit cards
  • typically companies can go to 600K in monthly sales on credit cards then they typically fail if they are still funding on credit.
  • Robert could have got 15% of Excite for $1,800 (I think that was the number)
  • recently he has been working on PBS GeekTV
  • he tracks his accuracy, thinks someone should create something like accuracy in
  • talks about consolidation in the space... msn /goog /yhoo only serious competitors.
    • windows and office profitable...nothing else at msft is

    • msft has cost items
    • xbox 4 billion dollars lost
    • they spend tons of money on other stuff as case B if office & windws fail
    • extra expenses there so they can later cut them if profits from office or windows falter in profitable
    • thinks google wanted the 4 billion to buy / create something (but unsure what)
    • google sticks it to competitors
    • gmail 1 gig / user... around 3 million users
    • yahoo matched it with 154 million email users
    • google's largest advantage is their clustering of hardware (see Skrenta's post on Google's source of power)
    • Google has image problem where to busy trying to impress w their brain, not helping you think of how smart ur brain is
    • Robert believes Google will beat msft & define internet for future
    • yahoo will reposition to become something far different than google
    • google search appliance is important in what it represents... it "just works" ... you only have to plug it in
    • if msft tried it you wouldnt trust them or you would think they would screw it up
    • google offer life to struggling companies like the dark fiber ones...get 300 boxes on the network
    • perhaps something like google internet will be more secure etc, just plain works, Robert sees it coming in next 2 years
  • on contnet and monetization...
    • Robert has 200,000 weekly readers

    • archives gives him same amount of traffic
    • NerdTV costs $1,000 a show and hosting costs same amount
    • costs about 8/10th cent per download + $1,000 fixed cost
    • 130,000 downloads per show
    • people subscribe to 2-3 times as much as they consume, so sometimes it is not benificial to make data as convenient as possible to access

Opportunity Optimization

Dan Thies was recently interviewed by Pandia. One big thing he stresses is the concept of opportunity optimization, and how many people focused on SEO are missing out:

Beginners have a hard time looking at the rest of the picture. Their #1 problem is probably not traffic, it's conversion, usability, opt-ins, follow-up, pricing, making the right offer.

You can use search engine marketing to help you solve these problems, but if you don't solve them you will eventually fail. Those who make the most profit per visitor have the most resources to compete for rankings and ad placement.

When I speak with someone who wants to improve their rankings, I usually ask if they do pay-per-click. Invariably, the answer is "no, we can't afford that." The bad news is that if your website can't convert well enough to support a PPC campaign, you'll often find that SEO is even more costly, especially in the short term.

To be honest I am pretty guilty of not maximizing monetization per pageview. I struggle a bit with the issue of trying to write about what I find new and interesting when if I dumbed down most of the blog posts to be more fitting toward newbies my sales could probably double or triple.

The people who vote with their link popularity to help boost your authority are frequently not the same people who buy your goods and/or services. What are the best ways you have found to be linkable and target new people without seeming overtly boring, etc? Content in multiple formats? Multiple similar channels? Free email tips?

The low cost of traffic from quality SEO can be as much of a problem as a blessing, because it allows people to get away with being fairly inept in other business fascets to the point that eventually when the SEO techniques they use no longer work that the only solution is to close the business.

link from TW

Free Excerpt of The Google Story by David Bias

Free excerpt from the book (about space race, biotech, etc.)

I am sure NickW will love this bit:

"Why not improve the brain?" Brin asked. "You would want a lot of compute power. Perhaps in the future, we can attach a little version of Google that you just plug into your brain. We'll have to develop stylish versions, but then you'd have all of the world's knowledge immediately available, which is pretty exciting."

AOL to Offer Reruns on Demand, More Links...

Flying Spaghetti Monster:
Martinibuster on quality linkbait

price history - paid service

TV Reruns on demand

Article by Peter Morville

Book of the Week Club, Knight Ridder to be Sold? Speculation on Google Affiliate

Apparently the people at Google want to rent weekly digital access to books.

Web search leader Google Inc. has approached a book publisher to gauge interest in a program to allow consumers to rent online copies of new books for a week, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

The proposed fee is 10 percent of the book's list price, the Journal reported, citing an unnamed publisher.

The discussion with the publisher indicates Google may move toward adding a digital book-renting service. - Reuters

In related news about other business models Google and the web may be changing or killing off, Knight Ridder, the large newspaper company, is exploring selling itself. When will Google Affiliate come out?

Free Google Analytics

Free Google Analytics

Urchin on demand:

  • yesterday $199 a month

  • today free

Matt Cutts says:

Blackhat SEOs may be leery of using Google for analytics, but regular site owners should be reassured.

Reassured of what? That Google wants more exceptionally valuable user data :) Lest we forget what a click is worth, or that what is acceptable in search marketing changes as the algorithms do.

Danny said:

Worried Google will use your data or the data overall to better understand how much you are willing to pay for ads, based on conversions. Google said that's definitely not done, nor are there any plans to do that. Nor are there any plans to tap into the data as a means of improving regular search results or to identify "bad" sites, Google said.

Peter asks where that info came from, and I gotta wonder how smart pricing works if they ignore the value received from a click. Why would they only track it one way on certain accounts? That seems counter to that whole efficient keyword market theory so much research is being done on. What value does the data have if they are not going to use it?

Even if they only use your data in aggregate, if you are exceptionally profitable on some terms those keywords could be suggested more frequently to competitors (to help raise those keywords to near fair market value), and the smart pricing would discount less on content that your site proves converts. Search engines do not need to know how much money you are making off any term, just a peak at the ratios can help give them a good idea when they have enough other data.

You know the search engine wars are at their peak the day most computers, ISP, and general web hosting is free and you are being paid to surf. :)

The Value of Writing Articles for Trusted Sites

By writing articles for high quality sites you get high TrustRank links cheaper than you can rent or buy them, many secondary links, and added credibility (I think Andy Hagans may have been asked to speak at a cool conference largely based on a recent article).

As an added bonus, when search engines place more bias on global popularity scores your article can show up for rather competitive terms if your site for some reason drops out of the results.

I was just looking through Google's [search engine optimization], and after has been around for close to two years it ranks at ~ 30 in Google, and Andy Hagans recent article on A List Apart ranks at #19.

In my interview of NFFC he stated:

we offer marketing on demand, a webmaster needs to be visible in every channel.

Sometimes that means working hard to make your site fit a variety of algorithmic possibilities, and sometimes that means putting backup on other sites.

Yahoo! Search Index Update Coming...

Another Yahoo! Update coming, followgreg at WMW said it rolled out on first.

I had not mentioned it here yet, but a while ago Yahoo! also dropped the monthly minimum spend on Overture and lowered the initial deposit to $5.
