Froogle Upgrades...

From Froogle Newsletter Volume 4...

Ad Automator
Froogle merchants with over 1000 products who are also AdWords advertisers are invited to try out the beta release of our new ad-producing technology, the ad automator.

The ad automator uses sophisticated technology to automatically create and target AdWords ads based on structured data feeds, which are nearly identical to the data feeds you submit to Froogle. You’ll be able to create keyword-less data feed campaigns in your existing AdWords account while investing minimal time and effort. Simply send us your feeds, and the ad automator will automatically generate targeted AdWords ads that begin showing right away. You’ll be able to:

  • Leverage the product copy you’ve already written for your site
  • Generate specific, high-CTR ads with no additional work

  • Increase the number of queries on which your ads appear

The ad automator provides added coverage by targeting queries that may have been overlooked in your keyword campaign. The ads produced are highly relevant and precisely targeted to the user’s search query.

If you’re a merchant and advertiser who’d like to take advantage of Google’s ad automator, please drop us a line at Please include your AdWords account number in your note.

Ad Automator if / when done correctly will be huge...

a couple other new features...
Merchant Ratings:
Google does not store its own rating system, but pulls together aggregate ratings score and snippets of customer reviews from third party sites.

Compare Prices
Allows you to compare the prices for a specific item in many stores. It is still under development, but already works well for ISBN's or UPC's.

You can see both features when searching for 0130957011... or other good books by # :)

BellSouth to Sell Google AdWords

BellSouth to Sell Google AdWords:
This is the first time someone outside of Google has been able to directly sell AdWords (to plumbers).

GoogleGuy World Tour:
Actually not a world tour, but he showed up at SEW forums.

Google: Not for Me:
Russell Baettie explains why he does not want to work at Google.

& Not for Online Publishers:
Online publishers rail against Google - yawn
(thanks to Gary)

New AdWords Classifications, MSN Desktop Search Coming Soon

New AdWords Classifications
"Google will use its predictive modelling to know what words are not going to do well and give them more time to run. Instead of the 1,000 impressions and you're out... this new system may allow terms as much as 10 times more access to eyeballs." ... coming in November

Google Toolbar is Evil?
DaveN and many other technically gifted aggressive SEOs do not like using the Google Toolbar.

Recent Google Lectures
Gary Price found a recent Google lecture and made a post linking to it and a few other recent lectures.

MSN Search / MSN Desktop Search
coming soon... Did anyone else notice MSN Search being advertised on AdSense? Here is a piece of one of the visuals I saw a few days back:
MSN Search image advertisement on AdSense.

Search Marketing UK Trade Organization...other stuff

no way Jose... Sick of the SEMPO antics, the brass of the UK SEO scene have made their own search marketing organization.
With the likes of Barry Lloyd, Ammon Johns, & Mike Grehan I am sure they will do well.

A White KnightTM is crowned

buys Stata Labs who is the maker of Bloomba

their stock is up a bit more on the day. Their market cap sits at 47.37B and Yahoo! is at 47.56B.

Google Reports Quarterly Results

Holy GOOG Batman
Google reports quarterly results. Stock up a cool 15% on the day.

Chris Ridings is up to the clever stuff again. We the black hats...

More Pics...
Yahoo!...they are now indexing over a billion images.

Free C Class IP Block Checker, Google to Grow

Free Bulk C Block IP Checker Tool
Check to see if links are on the same C block IP address, free... cool tool
Thanks to Nick

AOL Europe Extends Partnership with Google

Google, which already provides AOL Europe with targeted advertisements, said its expanded multi-year arrangement will let it target the U.K., France and Germany. Source: CBS MarketWatch

Google to Gain MANY Advertisers?
Google is to announce quarterly results tomorrow, and while they refuse to make forcasts, they believe they will add 372,000 advertiser accounts over the next 4 years.

Google predicted that the number of advertiser accounts will jump from 280,000 this year to 378,000 in 2005, according to the documents. From 2004 to 2008, the number of accounts is expected to more than double to 652,050.

France and Trademarks
The French Overture keyword suggestion tool offers tips on trademarks

16 yr old says "let's sue Google"

Google Instant Messenger?
google_im:// protocol found in the Google desktop search.

Google SMS, Google Word Clustering, the Great Google AdWords Debate ;)

Google SMS
Google is there is one more reason to get in a wreck while driving with a cell phone. Google launches Google SMS

Google Word Clustering & More
Andy Beal with the scoop

Google AdWords Trademark / Bid Policy
Lots of fun with Google AdWords (or maybe not fun)...

I spent a large amount of yesterday going back and forth with a dozen or so people about whether or not it is ok to bid on other people's names as the trigger words for article and search ad display. Google does not allow you to opt out of Google search ads if you want to advertise on articles.

Some of the big studs in PPC often recommend aggressively bidding on competitor names, and other SEOs get mad when you do it.

The hypocritical thing is that some of the SEOs who called my bidding on their name stinky were also selling their products by bidding on trademark terms (edited out the not mentioned in their products part, but certainly many SEOs still do that...and I am not certain that it is in any way wrong). Some of the people in these threads even asked some of my friends to jump in threads against me (my friends, of course, told them to go to hell).

What is your opinion on bidding on trademark terms or other people's names as ad trigger words? Please leave lots of feedback on this.

Google PageRank: Toolbar Update...

Wow, about time...over 100 days between Toolbar PageRank updates. It is still going back and forth on the toolbar.

You can view the new Google PageRank details here.

More Changes at Google...

Algorithm Change
Around September 23rd many webmasters stated they lost a bunch of their traffic from Google.

Google to Change Their Way of Rewarding Linkage Data?
DaveN is a fairly well respected SEO who recently made the following statements at the SEW Forums:

the whole PR / Linkage Game has changed. Just be careful how and where you buy PR these days. ... Last time I spoke to my friends from the plex, they where working on the ability to add - positive and negative weight to links depending on how they looked Via there GUI. ... I have never seen the GUI but from what I can gather it will highlight un natural areas on page, think about where most people put there sold links.

How is Google Fighting Artificial Link Manipulation?
A ton of ways...

  • Make SEO itself sound a bit sketchy.

  • Show bunk backlinks.
  • Not update PageRank.
  • Deweighting links from the same C block IP address range. (Google may also use WhoIs lookup data).
  • Manually penalize some sites for buying or selling PageRank...or for being in circles that make it seem like you are doing that.
  • Prevent certain sites from parsing outbound link popularity.
  • Automatically penalize sites for using the same link text too frequently.
  • Now they are potentially going to look for ways to not only devalue links, but also potentially make them have negative value based on abnormal linkage patterns.
  • They are also probably doing a bunch of other things I do not know of or forgot to list.

Anyone who does not believe in the power of link building should ask themselves why Google is putting so much effort into making it harder to do.

Automated AdWords Relevancy Checker

When setting up a Google AdWords campaign today I noticed that Google ran it through some sort of relevancy checker. At SEW Forums AdWords Advisor stated this new automatic review feature is aimed at streamlining the review process and helping ads get listed quicker.
