Hate Site Reappears?

For a while SEO Consultants hosted pages related to Traffic Power and 1P.com.

Out of nowhere (perhaps even magically) a degenerate hate site about Edward Lewis appeared. That hate site, which has a design that looks an awful lot like Traffic Power Sucks.com, disappeared around the same time that SEO Consultants dropped their Traffic Power coverage.

That hate site recently reappeared.

I can only guess as to why the Edward Lewis hate site reappeared, but if I had to guess why, it would be one of the following (although these are just guesses):

I wonder if the fake SEO forums will be reappearing as well soon? If so, I hope the server logs are protected. Especially when some of the old ones still show referal data from other sites.

Interesting to note this post, which was mentioned on SEO Consultants, is still live. I hope Edward sues.

Published: September 15, 2005 by Aaron Wall in internet


September 16, 2005 - 8:31am

Where's the site at?

September 16, 2005 - 12:27pm

I did not want to link to it.

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