Free Local Keyword Generator Tool

A new free tool allows you to enter a zip code, a radius, and a few keyword phrases and it automatically generates keyword phrases based on your keywords and the locations within your radius.

The output looks like:
pizza "town name"
pizza "other town name"
lasagna "town name"

A few things that would make the tool cooler are:

  • allow people to enter multiple words to make up more phrases based on those various words (like GoogEdit or ThePermutator do)

  • allow output to match various match types (like broad, phrase, & exact)
  • allow people to create "location + keyword" and "keyword + location"
  • optional format the output to allow people to enter max bids and let the search terms drive the URL.

Pretty cool tool for free. found from a thread on SEW.

Published: May 22, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


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