SEO Inc Back In Google, Somewhat

Not that it is huge news for the average SEO, but when SEO Inc was removed from Google the story got so much negative coverage and the SEO Inc PR department botched the issue that it was just a really bad thing for them.

Another great example of how you reacting to something being more important than what actually happens.

Right now I am not getting SEO Inc to show up for their site name and the like, but their home page was cached in Google 2 days ago and is showing up under Search Engine Marketing Firm.

Congrats for getting back in SEO Inc.

Lee Odden mentioned it in SEW forums.

Published: May 22, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


August 14, 2005 - 10:34pm

Anybody know what they did?

September 30, 2005 - 8:04pm

You can really only guess as to what was wrong, but they were buying lots of links.

June 6, 2005 - 5:57am

Looks like they got kicked back out again

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