Link Harvester Updated

My friend fixed the error in Link Harvester's code & updated the free source code with a few new features.

The new features are:

  • sorts .mil domains with the .gov domains.

  • added links to Google cache and Google cache text of each page

If you have not heard of Link Harvester yet, here is some background on it. Are there any other cool features you can think of? I might have a friend create another SEO tool tomorrow too if he has time. I will probably be adding features to Hub Finder soon too if I have enough money and my friends have enough time.

BTW, someone pointed out Search Lores in a comment at ThreadWatch recently. The site is so amazing I can't believe I haven't came across it yet.

Published: May 22, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


May 22, 2005 - 11:29am

That worked for me. have that pages bokmarked for future forum debates. :-)

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