Nice Keyword Research Guide

Brian Clark recently launched a great 5 part series on keyword research.

Published: February 20, 2008 by Aaron Wall in Keywords


February 20, 2008 - 1:33pm

First of all, thank you for your help. One of the problems, small businesses like us have is that we will never be able to compete with SEO rankings of big companies in the aromatherapy business. We could never afford cost-per-clicks. Also,we do a lot of charity work where we give away a lot of soap and do not have a lot of profit, so it's very, very hard. We are constantly looking for ways to promote our business without having to pay the costs for it so that we can pass our donations on to organizations that need it. People like you who help people like us are our only hope!

February 20, 2008 - 2:14pm

Thanks for the kind comment. :)

February 21, 2008 - 8:28am

coastalclassic: SEO is the best thing that can happen for a small business when trying to compete with a big company. It's all about links not money. PPC they can win, but not SEO.

The only advantage they have is that they can pay to bypass time. (ie they can pay for people to get links, buy links, buy better directory links, etc). But you can always take them down by being smarter. Sure it may not happen as quick as you'd like, but it surely can happen.

michael guy
February 25, 2008 - 7:34am

I love Aarons book. I have read it several times. Kind of like the bible for us SEO guys. Kepp up the good work

May 23, 2008 - 3:15pm

Hi Aaron, I check your site every day for new posts and appreciate the advice you give, so first of all thank you. Secondly, I was wondering if you could give me your thoughts on something that keeps cropping up when I do keyword research.

Often, I'll find keywords that I want to write articles for but are unsure how to categorize on my site. I'll give a quick example. Let's say my site was about "blenders" so I have a category called "kitchenaid blenders" and many other brand names and another called "blender parts". If I discover a keyword like "kitchenaid blender parts" which category should I place it under in my site architecture?

I'd appreciate your thoughts, and thanks again for your advice.


May 23, 2008 - 5:39pm

Hi Justin
I try to answer specific SEO queries inside of our SEO community forums.

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