Free Guide to Optimizing Your Blog for Google

Giovanna recently said that it would be a good idea for us to create a guide to doing SEO for blogs, so we did just that. Please give us feedback on what you think of The Blogger's Guide to SEO.
The Blogger's Guide to SEO.

If you like it please Stumble it, Sphinn it, and it.

Update: #2 on the popular list! Thank you. :)

Buy Credits For Half Price - Today Only

I have been giving a lot of coverage, but that is because they offer a great service. Today they are offering credits for half price.

Do You Design Banner Ads?

A couple years ago a friend of mine who sold ad inventory for premium publishers told me the key to making his banner ads work was to not make them look like banners, unlike the below tongue in cheek effort:

For how many years was the banner the standard format for online advertising? As the web evolves and each of us learn better business practices many standards become irrelevant relics of the past. Every business person is a creature of laziness. Sometimes laziness prevents us from changing, and sometimes it helps us make ourselves more efficient. If a macros can do the job then why not let it?

What ideas have you held on to for far too long? What information and productivity tools convinced you to break those habits?

The SEO Book Blog is Now Creative Commons Licensed

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

When I published the SEO glossary I made it creative commons licensed. I wanted to do that with all the blog posts on SEO Book too, but just got around to doing so. If you like any of the blog posts here feel free to do what you like with them.

I also made the how search engines work article CC licensed too.

Download Camtasia For Free

Via Dan Thies, I noticed you can download and register Camtasia 3 for free. Camtasia is the screen capture software I use when I make SEO videos.

Giovanna Wall, the New Writer for SEO Book

My wife and I do just about everything together, including...

  • eating
  • sleeping
  • playing
  • domaining
  • site design
  • content creation
  • link building

and so I begged her to start blogging. She should be publishing her first post here in the next couple minutes. Please give her a friendly welcome. :)

Q & A Open Thread

Feel free to ask any SEO or internet marketing related questions and I will try to answer them below.

I prefer to answer broader industry questions than site specific questions. It can take a day to do a strong site review, and I could miss a lot of things that are wrong if I give your site a 5 minute once over.

Questions like "I have a new site and want to know where to start with link building" are better than comments "please review everything about my site". Also I can't guarantee that I can do anything to get your site unpenalized by Google if you were recently penalized.

[Update: I just closed this thread after a few hundred comments, so I have time to write more new posts.]

Helping Charities is a Form of Spam? Or Just Great Marketing?

Donating to a charity or sponsoring an event is one of the safest ways to buy a link, but getting them to use and recommend your product is a far more effective approach to marketing. Why? Passion is more important than PageRank.

Charities Can Help You Market Your Stuff Cheaply

Email Spam Problem.
  • Some charities want to change the world, but they are trying to do so on a few thousand dollars a month. To them every cent helps.
  • Many charities are blatant spammers. Just donate to a dozen and see how many of them harass you for more money. The percentage will be well north of 50%.
  • People who come across the charity typically already have an affinity to it, or were recommended to the charity by a person with an affinity to it. Connecting to a quality non-profit connects you to that affinity and passion.
  • The people who think negatively about the charity have so many other (real or imaginary) things to complain about that they likely won't even have time to rant about you working with them.
  • The incremental cost of manufacturing many products (especially software or information) is dropping to ~ $0.
  • The cost of marketing such products and services is rising exponentially as markets saturate.

Recent Examples of Donations

Today I got an email about an SEO firm providing free SEO services to charities, Search Engine Land posted about Google giving charities free Google Checkout buttons on their Google ads, Google is giving away $10,000,000 to push Android, and Google recently pushed Gmail through a Threadless contest. Google uses contests and charities to market their services, are you?

Personal Relevancy

Types of Spam Varieties.

To the end consumer, a commercial message is not considered spam if the offer is relevant to their desires. Targeting is why search is so profitable.

Even pages that Google engineers classify as spam may have a 20% + conversion rate for the right search queries. Some of the spam pages have better conversion rates than the "quality" pages do.

How Long Can You Keep Selling Your Current Product?

The key to making your message relevant is forging the right partnerships to get the mindshare and distribution needed to become a category default.

Markets evolve. Eventually Google or Yahoo or eBay or someone who makes money from another part of the value chain will give away something similar to what you sell. When they do, do you have enough mindshare to keep charging for it?

Increasing Content Quality

Carnival Copy.

Google is starting to push for higher content quality, and they are willing to lose revenue to do so. Some people fight decreasing relevancy by throwing more ads in the content - only to become more irrelevant. Carnival copy is no way to win.

The solution is better information quality, better formatting, and better partnerships. And this giving does not have to be to a large charity or rock star. You can do it everyday with the people you interact with and get the same effect. A few links, comments, mentions, and emails add up over time. Give and thou shalt receive.

Anti Vote Baiting (Beta)

Matt Cutts recently offered a public voting for my lynching, but we just talked things over, and there will be no lynching - at least not yet. I think Matt is a great guy, but his job is tough as a public face of THE company dominating the web.

It is easy to take a series of events as being personal, but sometimes they are just a series of events and no personal damage is meant, and/or the person doing the damage is an anonymous third party. Also, priorities and goals and reasoning inside a large company can seem vastly different than how they appear outside of the same company, especially when the company has 13,000 employees and keeps doubling in size about every other year.

I still believe that many of my Google criticisms and concerns are valid, but there is only so much Matt can do, and he is doing the best he feels he can, and probably far better than I could do if I had his job. The keyboard is mightier than the pen.

Why SEOs Should Use the Meta Keywords Tag On Their Homepage

Should the MarketingSherpa's guide to landing pages use an effective landing page? Should a company touting the value of statistics use statistically relevant datasets?

Every day someone is getting called out for being a liar, a thief, or a charlatan douchebag. You can't track it all, but simply following your own guidelines and ideals lessens the odds that people will wrongfully call you out.

A few years back a friend of mine bolded one of the keywords in the content on the homepage of his SEO services site, and I told him I thought it made his homepage look slightly worse. He then replied "perhaps, but it looks optimized". That line of thinking made sense to me.
