Digg Spam

Looks like this. Doah!

What is the most agressive thing you have seen an affiliate do to push your stuff? If they are soley focused on conversion they may damage your brand more than they help you make sales. How far do you let them go before you warn them or delete their accounts?

Published: September 6, 2006 by Aaron Wall in marketing


September 6, 2006 - 7:39pm

I have seen many websites that use black hat techniques to come up on search engines. An example would be searching for "auto insurance". I am sure you can identify the website I am talking about. I don't think it is a bad markting strategy, but it can be bad branding.

Can someone tell me how this website achieved this ranking.

September 7, 2006 - 1:51pm

Wow, that's a pretty cheap shot. I think it shows disrespect to your product. He could at least hav written a good review before doing that. I wonder if this quote I found on the net is appropriate but I think it applies, plus I think its a great marketing ethic. It goes like this: "Those that fail to make money online are trying to make money, while those that actually make money online are trying to build relationships. "

September 6, 2006 - 11:39am

He is redirecting from his site to add the affiliate ID! This way it look to the user that seobook.com is the spammer. Aaron its your affilate partner ;-)

The second and third postings are (maybe) usefull for the community.

September 6, 2006 - 12:25pm

Thats a good question. I run an affiliate program and I have run in to similar issues. What we do is really dependant on how they target our brands. If it is done in a positive way and they are not spamming to the point of raising a flag, well we have thousands of affiliates so out of site, out of mind is reality. However, if they are rampant about it, we will warn them one time, if it does not stop, we remove the affiliate status and email them. Most cases have shown that they never check their email, or are simply calling our bluff.

September 6, 2006 - 12:42pm

delete it! Your brand is not being properly sold with this guy.

September 6, 2006 - 1:10pm

That's one of the more pathetic attempts of Digg spam I've seen. To even come close to an effective campaign, you need at least 10 people with 10 Digg accounts each - or have content that's actually worth digging. But I guess that would be too much of a hazzle for some people;)

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