TechCrunch Interview of Paul Graham

Paul Graham was recently interviewed on TechCrunch, where he said:

The easiest way to make something people want is to make something you want. What do you wish existed that doesn’t?

Every market has a ton of those opportunities if you know the market well and are passionate about it.

Published: September 4, 2006 by Aaron Wall in interviews


September 4, 2006 - 8:43am

EVERYONE needs to know that quote, it's great and true.

September 4, 2006 - 8:44am

EVERYONE needs to know that quote, it's great and true.

September 4, 2006 - 11:03am

Great quote... Short, sweet, to the point :)

September 4, 2006 - 12:41pm

Well I'm so impressed by the blog's clean layout ... and the theme of blog ... SEO ... ofcourse :)

September 5, 2006 - 9:05pm

That is a fantastic post. After reading your seobook and this post, I figured out why my website just makes about 15 dollars a day after 6 months since launched. Like average Joes, i was into blogging just because to make some extra cash without considering what web users want.
I think I should create better web app. for users instead of creating blogs for SEARCH ENGINE from todays onwards.

September 6, 2006 - 7:36am

I'm in total agreement with his philosophy, even with a limited budget you can do what you want with the tools you have and create your own unique spin on the internet... "Imagination is everything, it is the preview to the future" -Albert Einstien

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