Danny Sullivan Moving On?

Quite shocking to read about Danny leaving SEW. Bad move Incisive Media.

Nobody in the search marketing field has the credibility or connections Danny does. And, if that were not a big enough loss, Danny works amazingly hard, has done so for over a decade, and is probably the kindest and most approachable guy in the industry. People are loyal to great friendships with him, and will go wherever he does. I can't even imagine the SES conference without Danny. Many others can't, either. Jakob Nielson recently published an article stating that using old words is key to SEO. A person like Danny not only can use old words, but has the authority to create new words, and to shape the framework upon which people discuss search. The real value with niche publishing is being able to own ideas. How much has Adaptive Path gained in mindshare and link equity for coining the term AJAX? How many ideas has Danny gave the market over the last decade? Danny can and will move the market without SEW. I don't think SEW will do that very long without Danny.

I wish you the best whatever you do Danny. Thanks for all the hard work you have done thusfar and all the help you have given me.

Published: August 30, 2006 by Aaron Wall in internet


August 30, 2006 - 7:35am

I say Danny Sullivan, I say SEW. Not the reverse.

But I think, that like any other major conglomerate out there, that SEW will recover.

I didn't had the personal satisfaction of meeting Danny. I can only say that I truly thank him too, for his work, on the overall SEO village.

August 30, 2006 - 10:37am

Oooooops... someone really messed up over at Incisive.

August 30, 2006 - 3:51pm

I'm sure Danny will still be involved in the industry. SES will definitely feel a hit though.

Good luck Danny,

August 30, 2006 - 5:13pm

Incisive apparently didn't want to give Danny (a much deserved) capital stake in SES or SEW. A very stupid move in my opinion since he made SES what it is today.

August 30, 2006 - 6:08pm

I always thought that searchenginewatch was his. I wouldn't have thought that he was an employee... usually you can tell. That's a compliment to Danny.

August 31, 2006 - 6:20am

"I always thought that searchenginewatch was his. I wouldn't have thought that he was an employee... usually you can tell. That's a compliment to Danny."

Danny sold SEW a few years back (if I remembered correctly).
I guess we all have to move on and I hope Danny would find a place that people would actualy appreciate him...

August 31, 2006 - 3:04pm

WTF are you doing back on the internet after only 1 week when you said you'd be gone for 2 weeks. The first step in overcoming an addiction is to admit that you have one...

Gus Farrah
September 1, 2006 - 6:14pm

Welcome back Aaron, I missed your posts man. About Danny Sullivan I am sure we are going to have him around for long, no matter where he goes to.

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