Does Google Know What Sites You Own?

Google created trending information about personal search history data. Matt Cutts also posted how internally they get to take a peak at aggregate search data. I so would love to take a peak at that stuff, but all I can do is be the searcher drone :)

Having said all of that, who is the top visitor to your sites? Usually you. What sites do you usually visit the most frequently? Your own. For example, 4 of the top 10 sites that I visit are also sites I own.

Aaron Wall's favorite sites.

Google does give you a morsel of the aggregate search data by recommending searches that similar searchers did. Anyone have idea what language #4 is in or what it says? Will clicking that search link mean that federal agents will come question my media consumption habbits? :)

Searches that weirdos like Aaron Wall searched for.

And as Gurtie has many times speculated, I never sleep, as proved by my nearly constant search history by hour. WTF is that?

Published: December 22, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google


December 22, 2005 - 11:03am

Uh-oh, #4 is Arab, though I don't know what that's saying...

December 22, 2005 - 5:23pm

Holy cow, that article from Sout Coast Today is spooky. To top it all off they wouldn't even leave the book with him.

On a side note, you really need to start sleeping Aaron.

December 22, 2005 - 10:44pm

Don't sleep, man. Now that I'm an old dude (31), I wish I'd spent less time sleeping while I was in my 20s =]

BTW, my "similar searches" are remarkably similar to yours:

بنك الرياض
christmas party games
santa gif
joe clark

Something may be off there.

January 25, 2006 - 1:58pm

Yeah. The #4 is Arab and it says "Bank Al-Riyadh" :)

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