Google Accounts Being Pushed to Google AdWords Users

When you log into AdWords they have a notice that you should switch over to the new Google Accounts by January 15th, 2006.

Once you switch over a new user access sub tab appears, which allows you to share your AdWords account with co workers without needing to share your personal Google account.

Google has more information about sharing an account and how to send invitations.

Not too long ago Google was giving out Google Account passwords.

Published: November 10, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google


November 10, 2005 - 7:03pm

Any example of Google EVER restoring a domain to an AdWords account once revoked?

November 10, 2005 - 7:06pm

not sure if I understand the question

I have had ads revoked for various reasons and still was able to run other ads for the same sites

November 11, 2005 - 2:08am

Among many sites, I run a political website. I once noticed and commented there how it was amusing that I made money from advertisers who obviously disagreed with me.

Google said that I could keep my AdSense account but no longer serve their ads on that particular domain. I have no idea who might have gone click-happy, but there was no warning... just a permanent ban on my highest traffic site.

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