Legal Showdown in Search Fracas

Adam L. Penenberg wrote an article in Wired about recent issues with Traffic Power.

Greg Boser provides a couple interesting points:

"The fact that Traffic-Power is the same company that got banned from Google pretty much establishes the fact that they do not have a good reputation to protect," Boser said.


Greg Boser of WebGuerrilla, a search marketing consultancy, points out that it's impossible to protect a search engine optimization trade secret because "the secret is in the HTML code that gets published on a publicly accessible web server."

Published: September 8, 2005 by Aaron Wall in internet


September 8, 2005 - 5:40pm

A link from wired! Congrats man, that's awesome.

September 8, 2005 - 6:43pm

You realize thea Mr Spilka is a Brankruptcy lawyer? Seems a sttretch to be taking this case.. odd..

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