Additional Lawsuit Coverage & Updates

Slashdot - wow...

and SEW forums.

I think some of the stuff posted in SEW forums tends to be a bit more detailed than many other sites. Of course I can not verify the authenticity of the comments there, but when you look at some of the other sites it seems a bit curious why my site was sued when most others were not.

Perhaps due to it's small size? In a comment on my last post a person going by the name of George asked "Could this be a publicity stunt from Traffic Power?"

Also one reporter has been asking me some leading questions which make it seem as though he might be writing something similar to a past article I read.

In other, potentially related, news a person by the name ironiridis just left a comment on my blog that " has been erased. Site's still up, and apache is still serving a 404..."

For those who have not read about the various fake SEO forums, a while ago I made a post about them here.

Published: August 31, 2005 by Aaron Wall in internet


August 31, 2005 - 11:16pm

So find the good in this Aaron. A frilious suit from a bunch of whackos which will likely go nowhere and MAYBE at worst cost you a few grand to defend. Will/has brought you more fame, coverage, and recognition than a few thousands dollars in advertising ever could have. Good job! -Getting sued has its upsides. They say any press in good press! Slashdotted... That's great!

September 1, 2005 - 12:19am

Just don't ignore the deadlines. The whole of the blogosphere agrees with your side in this frivilous lawsuit. But, if you default, you lose.

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