The diminishing value of...

the employee blog
Google says shh to this blogger

condensed and abbridged for your pleasure...

oh lothesome me

bandwidth limit exceeded at the 2005 bloggies site. some host looking for a hosted by link might have just struck gold? you gotta think thats a fairly strong site.

NickW rants

a heated thread at threadwatch

SEO Blogs
we all say the same stuff... ;) Peter D has the scoop


a dollar
actually a shocker, think its near its two month highs...goes off to quickly register many sites (using roboform) while the dollar has a better conversion rate

Published: January 26, 2005 by Aaron Wall in aaron matthew wall


January 28, 2005 - 12:34am

That article on the 50 most loathsome people is really something... Though there are some guys that really should be on that list that aren't, I have to admit that it's probably the best people bashing I've ever read!

January 30, 2005 - 4:52pm

As they say, the demise of the web directory has been greatly exaggerated. As a stand alone generic information finder, yes it has its limits. But the web directory is still an invaluable tool when it comes to site comparison and specifc information finding. As with everything on the net, its a matter of using the tool properly rather then the tool itself which is the ultimate issue.

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