Hiring a Google Gadget Developer
I am looking to hire someone to create a few Google Gadgets for the the iGoogle homepage. If you are good at that sort of stuff please contact me. My email address is seobook@gmail.com.
I am looking to hire someone to create a few Google Gadgets for the the iGoogle homepage. If you are good at that sort of stuff please contact me. My email address is seobook@gmail.com.
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Aaron, if you find any good people are you willing to share them here?
My company is also looking for someone to do a project like this.
Aaron, if you find anyone could you keep us posted about the real duration of this kind of project ? Thank you.
I would be interested in learning more about what you are looking for and what you have to offer. I am currently the 9th ranked google gadget developer among all developers. (google.com/ig/authors)
If you are willing to pay good enough, I'd be the person to talk to.
Please mail me details at jitendrajain---@--- gmai.com (remove dahses).
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