Why Make a Person Wait?

Sometimes when people apply to DMOZ they spend a half hour filling out the application and then hit submit. In return they get stuff like:

There has been a failure in processing your form. We will work on it, we hope to have it up soon.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Why make a person wait until AFTER they filled out all their info to tell them they are SOL?

You probably know when it is broken, why not just state that up front?

Leaving a broken form up which wastes time does not make the directory any more open...it actually probably closes off a bunch of potential editors. Wasting people's time only builds negative sentiment.

Published: January 7, 2005 by Aaron Wall in directories


January 8, 2005 - 5:02am

"You probably know when it is broken, why not just state that up front?" -- Why would you think that?

The system operators (AOL employees) rarely know what's broken until after it's broken AND someone reports it broken. It's not that different than a site owner finding out his site isn't working correctly because of some unforeseen problems at the hosting end of things.

January 8, 2005 - 6:38am

>Why would you think that?

Because as soon as it is broken if the backend system is worth anything it should notify the system operators...and then they should note the changes on the page and offer signups to let notify people when it is not broken.

I can't imagine that would be too hard...

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