Search Engine Marketing Awards, Google AdSense Click Fraud, Keyword Difficulty Checker, SEO Legends Shirts

Search Engine Marketing Awards:
I nominate ;)
plans are in the making
as are plans for the alternative awards

Click 3 Times:
AdSense publisher is frustrated by the concept of targeted leads

Keyword Difficulty Checker:
I think the best way to tell is to look at the search results and do extensive link analysis. Some may like to try out this free tool though.

New Shirt
So I got my super comfy new shirt in today from the SEO legends collection.

I am getting a bit out of hand with my search related shirt collection...I now have the Google space shirt, MSN, SEW, SEL, IHY (unoffical bootleg version from a defunct thread that was later pulled), BlowSearch, LinkAdage, and Patrick Gavin might be making me one too. My shirt collection is only lacking Yahoo! Search, Ask Jeeves / Teoma, and SEMPO-Tahoe (hopefully the SEMPO Tahoe shirt could be added to the SEO Legends collection soon).

Its disappointing that I don't have any search related pants, but I can't really see me trying to wear a pair of these.

Published: December 16, 2004 by Aaron Wall in aaron matthew wall


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