Video Gary Round 2?
Found this video ranking #19 in Yahoo! for SEO...
And it is only going to get worse with guys like John Reese recommending everyone become an internet marketer selling to internet marketers just so he can prime the pump to sell his latest product and build a downstream of affiliates. Stake your claim before the fake experts turn your market into snake-oil:
And by creating a lot of fake value (encouraging everyone to pose as experts) you actually ruin chances of all new commers as customers will grow more and more skeptic and will tend to go for proven marketers (avoiding the anonymous which might also have a lot to offer)
If you hired this guy to act ... well ... he did a hell of a job and you could double his salary.
If this guy's for real ... OMG! It's the beginning of the end.
PS: First time I noticed a visit with your blog as referer I thought someone's doing ref-spam :)
Wow, he's ranking for SEO, when the term he's going after is "SEO Optimization" ;-)
I propose a new acronym, like the one for PHP (which stands for PHP Hypertext Processor) but in reverse: SEOS. It stands, of course, for
Search Engine Optimization SEOS
Maybe that will help our dear video correspondent sort out his confusion.
The video is like a train wreck. I didn't want to watch and I knew nothing good was going to come from watching, but somehow I had to watch.
I'm not sure which is sadder. That someone could actually create this video or that Yahoo would rank it?
Saddest is that someone out there will buy it!
That makes me shed a tear.
I wonder what he scored on his "SAT Test"
Still, there is no shortage of suckers, so he may even gather a following.
Is this guy actually doing this video in a armless, cut off red t-shirt? LOL, WOW.
That was about as entertaining as a Scientology video featuring Tom Cruise.
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