SEO Porn Links

  • Great interview of Ken McGaffin about keywords and market research.
  • Free open source link analysis tool from Patrick at Blogstorm, which shows how many links point at each page of your site. Using it does require setting up a MySQL database, but it is quite easy to set up and use.
  • Brian Clark wrote another great post about the trend toward membership sites. He mentioned our humble site, and tomorrow he is going a case study call with me...I hope that goes well. :)
  • John Andrews has a great comment on Sphinn about marketing strategy, and what you can learn from industrial strength black hat spam wrapped in a public relations cloth.
  • SEOMoz Survey - they surveyed a couple thousand of their members and readers and shared the results. Part of what is so interesting is not just all the data, but how good a job they do at presenting it visually.
  • YouTube launched their insights video analytics product, which allows you to see how many times a day people view your videos. Many of my videos get a hundred or a couple hundred views a day. Putting that in the context of how expensive it is to buy traffic makes me want to create about 100 more videos. $20 worth of trafic * 100 videos = $2,000 worth of daily traffic. Being on YouTube you don't have an optimal conversion process set up, but they could be branded with intro and outro ads...and should be able to create at least a conversion or two every day.
Published: March 28, 2008 by Aaron Wall in


March 28, 2008 - 3:35am

Interesting title on this post.

March 28, 2008 - 4:27am

I was joking on that ;)

March 28, 2008 - 5:21am

I went to Startup Camp a little while back and they were presenting a company called Streametrics(.com), that does more advanced video analytics, from what I understood. I can put you in touch if it's an interesting topic to you, Aaron.

On a funny coincidental note - someone told me they were on a list of likely Google buyouts. Seems like that likelihood just dropped somehwat!..

March 28, 2008 - 5:23am

BTW, Youmoz had some great posts on Porn SEO not long ago.

March 28, 2008 - 5:55am

you are now #1 for keyword "seo porn" .. that should lead to porn webmasters who might be converted into 'seo training program' subscribers. ;)

SEOmoz is annoying, and it highlights the value of a site like this one. Outside of Rand *occasionally* saying something insightful, it's a bunch of noise that tailors to new internet marketers, and poorly at that.

March 28, 2008 - 8:56am

Biggest. Thread Disappointment. Ever.

Just kidding :)

The SEOMoz survey results were interesting and GA Youtube is an ace idea and addition to their site.

Case study should be interesting will keep my eyes open for that one.

March 28, 2008 - 8:12pm

Very clever title! I wrote an item on that mentioned my various namesakes who are actors, photographers, tractors, murderers, CEOs, publishers, and you guessed it - a porn star...

David Bradley Player, Puller, Killer, Lover

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