Search Traffic Growth Profile for New Websites
There is no universal right or wrong to the overall SEO process and strategy. There are many ways to get to the end destination of ranking. This flowchart aims to show some of the stages new sites go through, and to help visualize the process of ranking.
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Hope you like it! Feedback welcome. :)
Here is a larger image, and a PDF version.
Hi Aaron
Great flow chart!
You wouldn't happen to have a pdf version lying round anywhere would you?
I'd love to print this off and show a few colleagues.
Will add a link to that in 15 seconds INKODE. Thanks for the reminder!
Great post Aaron. That last graph in particular has given me a nice boost as we're currently getting a big push on to lift our site through the rankings. We've spent time making sure we're the best in our market, now that we are we want to work on our rankings.
Aaron, the use of flowcharts are a great way to explain others not too familiar with SEO how it works, I have been printing them and been passing them to co-workers, thanks.
Ditto Aaron - thanks for the easy way to help them see what's happening.
Great chart Aaron! Makes it painful for me though, wish I had the budget to subscribe to you, but times are a little tight. =(
We all start somewhere Tom. I wasn't wealthy (by any stretch of the imagination - credit card debt, unemployed, etc.) when I got started in the SEO game.
I am regular reader of your blog. Thank you for the information which you always share with us, it helps a lot in my work.
I wanted to stumble the picture but couldn't it was large.
Thank You,
Your welcome Norma. Glad you find it useful. :)
I'm about to launch my first web site. Your traffic growth flow chart is very helpful, and just what Dr. SEO ordered.
How do you rank allocating some of your marketing budget to PPC for a "new born" small business site?
Thanks for all of your valuable imformation.
PPC spend can be nice for market research purposes. How much to allot depends on how much budget you have and how well you know the market.
Thank you for the flow chart. I found your site today and started reading your archives and came across this post. Felt the need to register and thank you! I think I'll be reading a lot of your posts from now on, definitely some good information in here.
Glad you like it Tao. :)
This site has thousands of posts built up over the last 5 it is easy to lose a couple hours, days, or weeks reading through it all!
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