Weekend Links

I was recently interviewed by Eric Enge. On a related note, Bob Massa reminds us that asking to interview people is a great way to build links. Egobait works. Even a goofy contest where my wife is dressed up as a reindeer is bound to get a link. :)

SEO for Firefox was updated to include nofollow on links that are blocked via a meta robots nofollow tag.

In this blog post Amit Singhal highlighted how Google's search system is heavily dependent on creating local vocabularies.

Google AdWords has blended keyword targeting and site/placement targeting. They also bought Begun for $140 million from Rambler Media, the #3 Russian search/ad play. Dave Davis highlighted how you can use AdWords conversion stats to buy undervalued domains.

Google created Ratproxy to find site security related issues.

The Google speech team is beta testing audio search.

Wordpress 2.6 launched with a cool built in versioning system good for seeing how you edited your content over time.

Paul Graham shared 30 great web based business ideas he would like to invest into.

Published: July 27, 2008 by Aaron Wall in internet


July 27, 2008 - 4:28pm

Being a biased drupal user, I couldn't resist jumping in to mention that drupal has had a similar versioning system (it's called Revisions) for about 2 years now.

There, I am very satisfied now ;-)

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