Back From Vacation

My wife and I got back from our Kauai vacation Sunday afternoon. I slept most of yesterday, but am now back after the seasonal hibernation period. Hope to start posting a bit more frequently in the near future. :)

Published: June 3, 2008 by Aaron Wall in aaron matthew wall


June 4, 2008 - 3:58pm

Hey Aaron
I remember at some point you saying that you were coming to Europe - and Paris, where I live.
Let me know if this is still on the agenda and ill sort you out an alternative "must-visit" list that you wont get in any of the guidebooks.


June 5, 2008 - 12:01am

Hi Paul
We were thinking of doing our super-official honeymoon in Europe. Lots of stuff is still in the air stuff, personal stuff, etc.

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