's ClickRiver Ads Out of Beta recently took ClickRiver, their contextual pay per click advertising service out of beta. I am sure there is a lot of gold to be had for information marketers.

Published: July 28, 2007 by Aaron Wall in contextual advertising


July 28, 2007 - 10:48am

I have been using ClickRiver for several clients in Beta and have has poor results (low conversion). Anyone else have any luck?

July 28, 2007 - 11:02am

I'd like to see how quick this grows, well if it does I don't know to much about it quite honestly. I don't believe in paying contextual advertising as pay per click method cause it can be quite costly, and who knows if its going to convert, depends if you know what I mean.

But maybe someone willing to throw some cash out there, give it a try. I much whether get some good viral content and capture links with it, and gain organic results, and social media type traffic.

July 28, 2007 - 2:22pm

I run a few Amazon Associate product sites. This might be an interesting program to test to see if Customers coming from Amazon would buy products from an Amazon associate reseller.

I wonder if acknowledging the "safe and easy Amazon checkout" would help customers convert better.

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