Dazzlindonna and Hurricane Katrina

Dazzlindonna tells her story about Hurricane Katrina.

Surely some others were hit harder than she was, but her post sounds like a whole lot of no-fun-at-all.

Many of the people who missed the worst part of the storm still had their lives flipped upside down:

I probably won't be able to work for quite some time, and I've had to spend nearly all my money to deal with this disaster. I have no idea how I will be able to provide for the family. It's not like I can just go out and get a job. The jobs disappeared with everything else.

Her site has a Paypal donations button for those who have learned from her tips or want to donate to help her out.

Hope it all works out ok Donna.

Published: September 7, 2005 by Aaron Wall in internet


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