Google to Test Longer Ad Copy, MSN PPC Beta, Baidu Sets IPO Price, Yahoo! Audio Search

Pay Per Click:

  • Google beta testing longer AdWords ad descriptions (up to 200 characters).

  • MSN to ramp up beta testing of MSN Keywords. Their ad copy specs will match Google's original 25 characters in the title & 70 characters in the description.
  • apply to beta test Yahoo!'s publisher ads
  • Ask Jeeves recently said they will show less pay per click ads. (Although they have also reported this in the past.)

We the United Spammers of Engines:
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Why the Desktop is So Important:
targeted marketing - Yahoo! sending email marketing based on data returned from the Yahoo! Toolbar.
Mozilla Corporation getting donation love from Google

Internet Stocks are Hot:
Baidu raises IPO price: sold 4.04 million shares at $27 each, according to a person familiar with the transaction. The price was higher than the $23 to $25 range the Beijing-based company outlined in an Aug. 3 filing with U.S. regulators.

Amazon and eBay have both rose sharply recently.

The Sound of Search:
Yahoo! announced their audio search

Published: August 5, 2005 by Aaron Wall in pay per click search engines


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