Yahoo! Hot Jobs Searches the Web for Jobs

Yahoo! is leveraging their knowledge of the web to try to increase activity at Hot Jobs.

Searching using the job engine at Hot Jobs now searches various job posting sites accross the web, which could increase Hot Jobs exposure, but could also cause their listing fees to get marginalized as people could opt to list jobs at some of the smaller databases that will now get more exposure. I believe Craigslist offers free job postings. If Hot Jobs searches those types of sites will their business model erode? has been doing fairly well in the market the past few days, due in part to analyst upgrades. Not too long ago they announced their founder was leaving to start a secret project which is also backing.

When will Google creates vertical searches for things like jobs, and how open they will be? How many vertical markets will general search engines create and destroy as search advances? It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

From John, who also points out a couple other small players in the job market.

Published: July 7, 2005 by Aaron Wall in yahoo


August 10, 2007 - 5:45am

As part of our expansion program a small
company is looking for part time Work from home
account managers and sales representatives, it pays
4000 Dollars a month plus benefits and takes only little
of your time. Please contact us for more details.
Requirements - Should be a computer Literate. 2-3
hours access to the internet weekly. Must be over
19yrs of age. Must be Efficient and Dedicated.If you
are interested and need more information, Please send
e-mail to

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