Google Referral Program & Google Karma

Google has launched an affiliate program.

  1. One of your visitors clicks on the graphic or link and is taken to a Google sign-up page.

  2. That person signs up for an AdWords account or applies to become an AdSense publisher.
  3. Advertisers qualify as completed referrals after they spend $20 with AdWords. Publishers qualify after they earn $75 in AdSense revenue.
  4. Every month, Google calculates the number of completed referrals you have directed to Google.
  5. Once you accrue $100 (five completed referrals) or more, you will receive a check. Google only issues checks once a month (for details, see the FAQ).

I already applied, but am uncertain as to how long it will take to be accepted. In 8 days I may also get to be a Google Advertising Professional.

Their stock is well over $200 and I got 50 free Gmail invites if anyone wants one just shoot me an email.

Google karma continues to brew... ;)
Google Karma.

Published: February 2, 2005 by Aaron Wall in google


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