New Blogs, Google AdWords & Trademarks

has a new blog...and so does MSN search

Rumor Mill
AdWords and Trademarks

Is it dead? some say yes...

I will be going there in a couple hours :) While I am gone you may want to take a peak at Threadwatch. You can also make posts there if you find anything good on the various SEO forums, like I recently did here.

Published: November 15, 2004 by Aaron Wall in internet


November 15, 2004 - 3:41pm


hehe, cheers mate.

We're an incestuous bunch aren't we? ;-) Have fun at the gig Aaron, i'll send your readers right back when you've returned with no harm done to them.

Well, not much...

Angie Dixon
November 18, 2004 - 12:16am

Was just reading about the "death" of branding. I think it's a little premature People who brand well will continue to do well; people who don't understand branding will have worse results than in the past, due to the nature of the world and the marketplace and especially due to the huge amount of traffic, both selling and buying, online.

Life Coach

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