Google's Cat & Mouse SEO Game

This infographic highlights how Google's cat and mouse approach to SEO has evolved over the past decade.

One of the best ways to understand where Google is headed is to look at where they have been and how they have changed.

Click on it for ginormous version.

Google's Collateral Damage Infographic.

If you would like us to make more of them then please spread this one. We listen to the market & invest in what it values ;)

Feel free to leave comments below if you have any suggestions or feedback on it :)

Published: March 22, 2011 by Aaron Wall in google


March 22, 2011 - 5:37pm

For years people have cried "antitrust!" and wondered if the government will ever step in to stop the Google monopoly. Google has been free to create their own "thin affiliate" services while banning others, manipulate their own properties in the search results and ban Adwords accounts for no reason at all.

Well folks, here is your answer. NO. Google is now becoming more and more enmeshed with the government.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt is now headed to be Commerce Secretary:

I would laugh, if this wasn't so serious.

March 22, 2011 - 8:12pm

Given the spreading austerity, why wouldn't the EU see Google as a piggy bank to be broke open?

Google is no better that Intel or Microsoft were at their worst.

March 22, 2011 - 5:47pm

Thanks for the infographic Aaron and NeonDog for the links.

March 22, 2011 - 10:15pm

Wow, that is something. Really great infographic! Very impressive. Thanks a lot.

March 25, 2011 - 5:55pm

Enjoyed the infogfx and can say you did some homework. Hope to see more of these. Shared it!

April 14, 2011 - 5:48pm

It is very clear. Very nice work. But I have a question, can I translate it to spanish... of course keeping the credit to seobook. In any way... thanks!

April 14, 2011 - 5:59pm

link to the original version from your page with the new Spanish version on it.

October 4, 2011 - 12:21am

Perhaps I should stop there and just be appreciative that you have shared with us your deep understanding of this cat and mouse issue. Really, it is instructive. However, I cannot stop myself thinking that, in a way, you went at the defense of Google in doing so. It is clear that it is complicated. How could we have prevented that? What would you have done? OK, the Demand Media case raises suspicions - maybe there are leaks about Google's new algos ... I don't know where is the problem, but how can we prevent that ? I am not naive - I know the governments cannot solve the problem, but suggesting that pointing the finger to Google is the solution seems also naive.

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