Understanding the Value of High Quality Editorial Blog Content

With an ever increasing number of ways for people to share content and an ever increasing number of competing channels the easiest way to estimate the value of a blog post is to look at the people citing it. Citations lead to new readers and subscribers...and more citations. If your posts are well cited it does not take many posts to get thousands of subscribers.

With 12 days left to go in an auction the NorthxEast blog is up to $5,500. Their blog only has 33 posts, and is a blog about blogging, which is a topic that is notoriously hard to monetize. Typically freelance bloggers get paid anywhere from $5 to $50 a post. If this site goes for $10,000 then it will be a valuation of $300 a post. Where was that extra value created? It is in the number of inbound links and number of subscribers. Over 700 bloggers link at that site and it has a couple thousand subscribers.

If you paid a freelance writer $100 or $200 per page think of the type of quality content you could create. If you value your time at $20 an hour and take 8 hours to write a post and 2 hours marketing it think of the potential return from a link perspective. You can rent average quality links for $10 to $20 a month, increase your risk profile, and get links saying nothing about your company, or you could pour that same money into getting people talking about you. If you know your topic well writing is an easy and cheap form of marketing.

If a site can go from nothing to being worth ~ $10,000 on 33 blog posts, imagine what that link equity and subscriber base would do to your brand and search rankings. If that same effort was used to market a #12 ranking site, suddenly that site might be in the top 2 or 3 and see a 10x increase in traffic.

Published: September 22, 2007 by Aaron Wall in blogs


September 23, 2007 - 11:56pm

How do they get to that point in the first place? I don't have a problem writing qulity on topic in-depth articles, but getting people to read it is the hard part. Am I just supposed to go nuts with backlink campaign or is there another way. Basically how do you get to a point of people citing you in the first place - assuming quality of your articles are top notch or somewhere around there.


September 25, 2007 - 5:40am

Two things. You have to follow up content creation with push marketing off the start. Email people who should like your content. And I think you just have to be actively involved in your community then eventually people get comfortable citing you.

September 25, 2007 - 1:52pm

If you read northxeast's earlier articles, he goes through the process of how his subscriber count increased over time.

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