Have a High PageRank Site? Link to Us for a Free Membership

Would this be considered a paid link? Where is the line drawn?

Nice business model too. Are those arrows pointing at the ads legit? How about the request to support our sponsors?

Get a few hundred million in VC funding, buy some old domains. Fill the domain with user generated content. Place a thin layer of link schemes and please click ads on the top. Web 3.0...Wow. Exciting times.

Also, learn how to rent millions of links in a Google friendly way.

SearchGuild.com Domain Auction at Sedo

The SearchGuild domain auction at Sedo just ended. $8,655 for a known brand, an old trusted site with references from sites like Wired.com, and 28,000+ inbound links. Even without getting the content that is still cheap. Some of my leading affiliates make that per year just from recommending my book, let alone all their other affiliate income from recommending other products and services.

If you had to try to build those same links Search Guild has in today's market they could cost $100,000 and/or a couple years to build. Even after the site changes ownership, most of the inbound links will stick too. In fact, if you move a domain to a new URL and ask people to redirect the links, over 90% of them will not.

Just like a strong domain name offers defensible traffic, so do those old links pointing at an old trusted site. If I had not already bought, ran, and closed Threadwatch, I might have considered buying SearchGuild, but I already have too many SEO sites to spend another $8,000 on a domain name that I would then have to develop. I hope they do something cool with it.

Bundling & Selling Content

The WSJ let the "our content will be free" story spread for months to generate public relations related coverage and to misdirect competitors before announcing that they are going to keep their subscription service:

Mr. Murdoch made his latest comments at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in answering a question. "We are going to greatly expand and improve the free part of The Wall Street Journal online, but there will still be a strong offering" for subscribers, he said. "The really special things will still be a subscription service, and, sorry to tell you, probably more expensive."

The Wall Street Journal has enough trust, connections, and signifigance to keep charging for their best stuff.

Many other websites do to, but as exclusive content rather than part of a package. Bundling packages of similar content channels (like blog feeds) will not work for the following reasons:

  • there is already virtually an unlimited amount of competition that is free
  • the free content plays an important role in making it easy to subscribe
  • Easy subscriptions provies lots of subscribers, social proof of value, and limited risk to subscribers. From those, cumulative advantage kicks in.
  • Free content cuts marketing costs to ~ $0.
  • People hate micropayments.
  • Taste is personal. Some people who like sites similar to this one absolutely despise me. And the other way around is true.
  • The incremental cost of having more customers means that you need to charge more than $1 if you are going to establish a sustainable relationship with them.

Example of the Google Ranking #6 Filter

When the Google #6 filter rolled out I did not notice it until after I read about it from the WebmasterWorld thread about it. But after I saw the thread I thought of my site that recently lost a couple positions. Then I searched for related low traffic queries where the site typically ranked #1 for, and it was still ranked #6 for virtually everything. Here is a ranking chart for the site going back a few years

And here are the rank numbers for the core keyword. While a site dipping 1 or 2 ranks for a short period of time is not uncommon, for many of the longer tail keywords that the site traditionally ranked #1 or #2 for it also went to position 6 (not 5 or 7, but 6) while the site was experiencing the #6 filter.

  Keyword Placement Over Time  
  Date    Rank  
  Jan 25, 2008     4  
  Jan 24, 2008     6  
  Jan 23, 2008     5  
  Jan 22, 2008     6  
  Jan 21, 2008     6  
  Jan 20, 2008     6  
  Jan 19, 2008     6  
  Jan 18, 2008     6  
  Jan 17, 2008     6  
  Jan 16, 2008     6  
  Jan 15, 2008     6  
  Jan 14, 2008     6  
  Jan 13, 2008     6  
  Jan 12, 2008     6  
  Jan 11, 2008     6  
  Jan 10, 2008     6  
  Jan 9, 2008     6  
  Jan 8, 2008     6  
  Jan 7, 2008     6  
  Jan 6, 2008     6  
  Jan 5, 2008     6  
  Jan 4, 2008     6  
  Jan 3, 2008     6  
  Jan 2, 2008     6  
  Jan 1, 2008     6  
  Dec 31, 2007     6  
  Dec 30, 2007     6  
  Dec 29, 2007     6  
  Dec 28, 2007     6  
  Dec 27, 2007     6  
  Dec 26, 2007     6  
  Dec 25, 2007     6  
  Dec 24, 2007     6  
  Dec 23, 2007     6  
  Dec 22, 2007     6  
  Dec 21, 2007     6  
  Dec 20, 2007     6  
  Dec 19, 2007     6  
  Dec 18, 2007     4  
  Dec 17, 2007     4  
  Dec 16, 2007     4  
  Dec 15, 2007     4  
  Dec 14, 2007     4  
  Dec 13, 2007     4  
  Dec 12, 2007     4  
  Dec 11, 2007     4  
  Dec 10, 2007     4  
  Dec 9, 2007     5  
  Dec 8, 2007     5  
  Dec 7, 2007     5  
  Dec 6, 2007     5  
  Dec 5, 2007     5  
  Dec 4, 2007     5  
  Dec 3, 2007     5  
  Dec 2, 2007     4  
  Dec 1, 2007     4  
  Nov 30, 2007     4  
  Nov 29, 2007     5  
  Nov 28, 2007     4  
  Nov 27, 2007     4  
  Nov 26, 2007     4  
  Nov 25, 2007     4  
  Nov 24, 2007     4  
  Nov 23, 2007     4  
  Nov 22, 2007     4  
  Nov 21, 2007     4  
  Nov 20, 2007     4  
  Nov 19, 2007     4  
  Nov 18, 2007     4  
  Nov 17, 2007     3  
  Nov 16, 2007     3  
  Nov 15, 2007     3  
  Nov 14, 2007     3  
  Nov 13, 2007     3  
  Nov 12, 2007     3  
  Nov 11, 2007     3  
  Nov 10, 2007     3  
  Nov 9, 2007     4  
  Nov 8, 2007     4  
  Nov 7, 2007     4  
  Nov 6, 2007     4  
  Nov 5, 2007     4  
  Nov 4, 2007     4  
  Nov 3, 2007     4  
  Nov 2, 2007     3  
  Nov 1, 2007     4  
  Oct 31, 2007     4  
  Oct 30, 2007     4  
  Oct 29, 2007     4  
  Oct 29, 2007     4  
  Oct 28, 2007     4  
  Oct 27, 2007     4  
  Oct 26, 2007     4  
  Oct 25, 2007     4  
  Oct 24, 2007     4  
  Oct 23, 2007     4  
  Oct 22, 2007     4  
  Oct 21, 2007     4  
  Oct 20, 2007     4  
  Oct 19, 2007     4  
  Oct 18, 2007     4  
  Oct 17, 2007     4  
  Oct 16, 2007     4  
  Oct 15, 2007     4  
  Oct 14, 2007     4  
  Oct 13, 2007     4  
  Oct 12, 2007     4  
  Oct 11, 2007     4  
  Oct 10, 2007     4  
  Oct 9, 2007     4  
  Oct 8, 2007     5  
  Oct 7, 2007     5  
  Oct 6, 2007     5  
  Oct 5, 2007     5  
  Oct 4, 2007     5  
  Oct 3, 2007     5  
  Oct 2, 2007     5  
  Oct 1, 2007     5  
  Sep 30, 2007     5  
  Sep 29, 2007     5  
  Sep 28, 2007     5  
  Sep 27, 2007     5  
  Sep 26, 2007     5  
  Sep 25, 2007     5  
  Sep 24, 2007     5  
  Sep 23, 2007     5  
  Sep 22, 2007     5  
  Sep 21, 2007     5  
  Sep 20, 2007     5  
  Sep 19, 2007     5  
  Sep 18, 2007     5  
  Sep 17, 2007     5  
  Sep 16, 2007     5  
  Sep 15, 2007     5  
  Sep 14, 2007     5  
  Sep 13, 2007     5  
  Sep 12, 2007     5  
  Sep 11, 2007     5  
  Sep 10, 2007     5  
  Sep 9, 2007     5  
  Sep 8, 2007     5  
  Sep 7, 2007     4  
  Sep 6, 2007     4  
  Sep 5, 2007     4  
  Sep 4, 2007     4  
  Sep 3, 2007     4  
  Sep 2, 2007     4  
  Sep 1, 2007     4  
  Aug 31, 2007     4  
  Aug 30, 2007     4  
  Aug 29, 2007     4  
  Aug 28, 2007     4  
  Aug 27, 2007     4  
  Aug 26, 2007     5  
  Aug 25, 2007     5  
  Aug 24, 2007     9,999  
  Aug 23, 2007     5  
  Aug 22, 2007     5  
  Aug 21, 2007     5  
  Aug 20, 2007     5  
  Aug 19, 2007     5  
  Aug 18, 2007     5  
  Aug 17, 2007     5  
  Aug 16, 2007     5  
  Aug 15, 2007     5  
  Aug 14, 2007     5  
  Aug 13, 2007     5  
  Aug 12, 2007     5  
  Aug 11, 2007     5  
  Aug 10, 2007     5  
  Aug 9, 2007     5  
  Aug 8, 2007     5  
  Aug 7, 2007     4  
  Aug 6, 2007     4  
  Aug 5, 2007     4  
  Aug 4, 2007     5  
  Aug 3, 2007     5  
  Aug 2, 2007     5  
  Aug 1, 2007     5  
  Jul 31, 2007     5  
  Jul 30, 2007     5  
  Jul 29, 2007     5  
  Jul 28, 2007     5  
  Jul 27, 2007     5  
  Jul 26, 2007     5  
  Jul 25, 2007     5  
  Jul 24, 2007     5  
  Jul 23, 2007     5  
  Jul 22, 2007     5  
  Jul 21, 2007     5  
  Jul 20, 2007     5  
  Jul 19, 2007     5  
  Jul 18, 2007     5  
  Jul 17, 2007     5  
  Jul 16, 2007     5  
  Jul 15, 2007     5  
  Jul 14, 2007     5  
  Jul 13, 2007     5  
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  Jun 23, 2007     5  
  Jun 22, 2007     3  
  Jun 21, 2007     3  
  Jun 20, 2007     3  
  Jun 19, 2007     3  
  Jun 18, 2007     3  
  Jun 17, 2007     3  
  Jun 16, 2007     3  
  Jun 15, 2007     3  
  Jun 14, 2007     3  
  Jun 13, 2007     3  
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  Jun 9, 2007     3  
  Jun 8, 2007     3  
  Jun 7, 2007     3  
  Jun 6, 2007     3  
  Jun 5, 2007     3  
  Jun 4, 2007     3  
  Jun 3, 2007     3  
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  May 31, 2007     3  
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  May 27, 2007     3  
  May 26, 2007     3  
  May 25, 2007     3  
  May 24, 2007     3  
  May 23, 2007     3  
  May 22, 2007     3  
  May 21, 2007     3  
  May 20, 2007     3  
  May 19, 2007     3  
  May 18, 2007     3  
  May 17, 2007     3  
  May 16, 2007     3  
  May 15, 2007     3  
  May 14, 2007     3  
  May 13, 2007     3  
  May 12, 2007     3  
  May 11, 2007     3  
  May 10, 2007     3  
  May 9, 2007     3  
  May 8, 2007     3  
  May 7, 2007     3  
  May 6, 2007     3  
  May 5, 2007     3  
  May 4, 2007     3  
  May 3, 2007     3  
  May 2, 2007     9,999  
  May 1, 2007     9,999  
  Apr 30, 2007     3  
  Apr 29, 2007     3  
  Apr 28, 2007     3  
  Apr 27, 2007     3  
  Apr 26, 2007     3  
  Apr 25, 2007     3  
  Apr 24, 2007     3  
  Apr 23, 2007     3  
  Apr 22, 2007     3  
  Apr 21, 2007     3  
  Apr 20, 2007     3  
  Apr 19, 2007     3  
  Apr 18, 2007     3  
  Apr 17, 2007     3  
  Apr 16, 2007     3  
  Apr 15, 2007     3  
  Apr 14, 2007     3  
  Apr 13, 2007     3  
  Apr 12, 2007     3  
  Apr 11, 2007     3  
  Apr 10, 2007     9,999  
  Apr 9, 2007     3  
  Apr 8, 2007     3  
  Apr 7, 2007     3  
  Apr 6, 2007     3  
  Apr 5, 2007     3  
  Apr 4, 2007     3  
  Apr 3, 2007     3  
  Apr 2, 2007     3  
  Apr 1, 2007     3  
  Mar 31, 2007     3  
  Mar 30, 2007     3  
  Mar 29, 2007     3  
  Mar 28, 2007     2  
  Mar 27, 2007     2  
  Mar 26, 2007     2  
  Mar 24, 2007     2  
  Mar 23, 2007     2  
  Mar 22, 2007     2  
  Mar 21, 2007     2  
  Mar 20, 2007     2  
  Mar 19, 2007     2  
  Mar 18, 2007     2  
  Mar 17, 2007     2  
  Mar 16, 2007     2  
  Mar 15, 2007     3  
  Mar 14, 2007     3  
  Mar 13, 2007     3  
  Mar 12, 2007     3  
  Mar 11, 2007     3  
  Mar 10, 2007     3  
  Mar 9, 2007     4  
  Mar 8, 2007     4  
  Mar 7, 2007     3  
  Mar 6, 2007     3  
  Mar 5, 2007     4  
  Mar 4, 2007     2  
  Mar 3, 2007     2  
  Mar 2, 2007     9,999  
  Mar 1, 2007     3  
  Feb 28, 2007     3  
  Feb 27, 2007     9,999  
  Feb 26, 2007     3  
  Feb 25, 2007     2  
  Feb 24, 2007     3  
  Feb 23, 2007     3  
  Feb 22, 2007     3  
  Feb 21, 2007     3  
  Feb 20, 2007     3  
  Feb 19, 2007     3  
  Feb 18, 2007     3  
  Feb 17, 2007     3  
  Feb 16, 2007     4  
  Feb 15, 2007     4  
  Feb 14, 2007     3  
  Feb 13, 2007     4  
  Feb 12, 2007     4  
  Feb 11, 2007     4  
  Feb 10, 2007     4  
  Feb 9, 2007     4  
  Feb 8, 2007     4  
  Feb 7, 2007     4  
  Feb 6, 2007     4  
  Feb 5, 2007     4  
  Feb 4, 2007     4  
  Feb 3, 2007     4  
  Feb 2, 2007     4  
  Feb 1, 2007     4  
  Jan 31, 2007     3  
  Jan 30, 2007     3  
  Jan 29, 2007     3  
  Jan 28, 2007     3  
  Jan 27, 2007     3  
  Jan 26, 2007     3  
  Jan 25, 2007     3  
  Jan 24, 2007     3  
  Jan 23, 2007     3  
  Jan 22, 2007     9,999  
  Jan 21, 2007     3  
  Jan 20, 2007     3  
  Jan 19, 2007     3  
  Jan 18, 2007     3  
  Jan 17, 2007     3  
  Jan 16, 2007     3  
  Jan 15, 2007     3  
  Jan 14, 2007     3  
  Jan 13, 2007     3  
  Jan 12, 2007     3  
  Jan 11, 2007     3  
  Jan 10, 2007     3  
  Jan 9, 2007     3  
  Jan 8, 2007     3  
  Jan 7, 2007     3  
  Jan 6, 2007     3  
  Jan 5, 2007     4  
  Jan 4, 2007     4  
  Jan 3, 2007     4  
  Jan 2, 2007     3  
  Jan 1, 2007     3  
  Dec 31, 2006     3  
  Dec 30, 2006     3  
  Dec 29, 2006     3  
  Dec 28, 2006     3  
  Dec 27, 2006     3  
  Dec 26, 2006     3  
  Dec 25, 2006     3  
  Dec 24, 2006     4  
  Dec 23, 2006     4  
  Dec 22, 2006     4  
  Dec 21, 2006     4  
  Dec 20, 2006     9,999  
  Dec 19, 2006     4  
  Dec 18, 2006     9,999  
  Dec 17, 2006     4  
  Dec 16, 2006     4  
  Dec 15, 2006     9,999  
  Dec 14, 2006     4  
  Dec 13, 2006     9,999  
  Dec 12, 2006     4  
  Dec 11, 2006     9,999  
  Dec 10, 2006     4  
  Dec 9, 2006     4  
  Dec 8, 2006     4  
  Dec 7, 2006     9,999  
  Dec 6, 2006     4  
  Dec 5, 2006     4  
  Dec 4, 2006     4  
  Dec 3, 2006     4  
  Dec 2, 2006     4  
  Dec 1, 2006     4  
  Nov 30, 2006     4  
  Nov 29, 2006     9,999  
  Nov 28, 2006     9,999  
  Nov 27, 2006     4  
  Nov 26, 2006     4  
  Nov 25, 2006     4  
  Nov 24, 2006     9,999  
  Nov 23, 2006     9,999  
  Nov 22, 2006     4  
  Nov 21, 2006     4  
  Nov 20, 2006     4  
  Nov 19, 2006     4  
  Nov 18, 2006     9,999  
  Nov 17, 2006     4  
  Nov 16, 2006     4  
  Nov 15, 2006     4  
  Nov 14, 2006     4  
  Nov 13, 2006     4  
  Nov 12, 2006     4  
  Nov 11, 2006     4  
  Nov 10, 2006     4  
  Nov 9, 2006     9,999  
  Nov 8, 2006     9,999  
  Nov 7, 2006     4  
  Nov 6, 2006     4  
  Nov 5, 2006     4  
  Nov 4, 2006     4  
  Nov 3, 2006     4  
  Nov 2, 2006     9,999  
  Nov 1, 2006     9,999  
  Oct 31, 2006     4  
  Oct 30, 2006     4  
  Oct 29, 2006     4  
  Oct 28, 2006     4  
  Oct 27, 2006     4  
  Oct 26, 2006     3  
  Oct 25, 2006     3  
  Oct 24, 2006     4  
  Oct 23, 2006     3  
  Oct 22, 2006     3  
  Oct 21, 2006     3  
  Oct 20, 2006     3  
  Oct 19, 2006     3  
  Oct 18, 2006     4  
  Oct 17, 2006     4  
  Oct 16, 2006     4  
  Oct 14, 2006     4  
  Oct 13, 2006     4  
  Oct 12, 2006     3  
  Oct 11, 2006     3  
  Oct 10, 2006     4  
  Oct 9, 2006     3  
  Oct 8, 2006     3  
  Oct 7, 2006     4  
  Oct 6, 2006     4  
  Oct 5, 2006     4  
  Oct 4, 2006     4  
  Oct 3, 2006     4  
  Oct 2, 2006     4  
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  Sep 18, 2006     5  
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  Sep 10, 2006     5  
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  Aug 31, 2006     4  
  Aug 30, 2006     5  
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  Aug 4, 2006     4  
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  Aug 2, 2006     24  
  Aug 1, 2006     4  
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  May 29, 2006     4  
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  Apr 17, 2006     9,999  
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  Apr 10, 2006     9,999  
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  Mar 21, 2006     9,999  
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  Mar 9, 2006     5  
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  Mar 5, 2006     5  
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  Feb 15, 2006     9,999  
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  Jan 19, 2006     9,999  
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  Jan 4, 2006     9,999  
  Jan 3, 2006     5  
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  Jan 1, 2006     9,999  
  Dec 31, 2005     5  
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  Dec 7, 2005     9,999  
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  Nov 6, 2005     6  
  Nov 5, 2005     6  
  Nov 4, 2005     9,999  
  Nov 3, 2005     9,999  
  Nov 2, 2005     20  
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  Oct 30, 2005     21  
  Oct 29, 2005     21  
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  Oct 27, 2005     22  
  Oct 26, 2005     9,999  
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  Feb 5, 2005     52  
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  Jan 30, 2005     54  
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  Jan 28, 2005     64  
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  Jan 4, 2005     22  
  Jan 3, 2005     22  
  Jan 2, 2005     22  
  Jan 1, 2005     20  
  Dec 31, 2004     18  
  Dec 30, 2004     18  
  Dec 29, 2004     18  
  Dec 28, 2004     17  
  Dec 27, 2004     17  
  Dec 26, 2004     17  
  Dec 25, 2004     14  
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  Dec 20, 2004     16  
  Dec 19, 2004     16  
  Dec 18, 2004     16  
  Dec 17, 2004     18  
  Dec 16, 2004     18  
  Dec 15, 2004     20  
  Dec 14, 2004     18  
  Dec 13, 2004     17  
  Dec 12, 2004     18  
  Dec 11, 2004     18  
  Dec 10, 2004     20  
  Dec 9, 2004     19  
  Dec 8, 2004     19  
  Dec 7, 2004     19  
  Dec 6, 2004     19  
  Dec 5, 2004     19  
  Dec 4, 2004     18  
  Dec 3, 2004     20  
  Dec 2, 2004     20  
  Dec 1, 2004     20  
  Nov 30, 2004     20  
  Nov 29, 2004     23  
  Nov 28, 2004     25  
  Nov 27, 2004     26  
  Nov 26, 2004     24  
  Nov 25, 2004     25  
  Nov 24, 2004     25  
  Nov 23, 2004     25  
  Nov 21, 2004     28  
  Oct 10, 2004     30  
  Oct 9, 2004     30  
  Oct 8, 2004     29  
  Oct 7, 2004     26  
  Oct 6, 2004     28  
  Oct 4, 2004     28  
  Oct 3, 2004     28  
  Oct 2, 2004     29  
  Oct 1, 2004     25  
  Sep 23, 2004     45  
  Sep 22, 2004     42  
  Sep 21, 2004     44  
  Sep 20, 2004     55  
  Sep 19, 2004     55  
  Sep 14, 2004     67  
  Sep 13, 2004     67  
  Sep 12, 2004     66  
  Sep 9, 2004     66  
  Sep 8, 2004     66  
  Sep 5, 2004     67  
  Sep 3, 2004     52  
  Aug 31, 2004     54  
  Aug 28, 2004     58  
  Aug 27, 2004     54  
  Aug 24, 2004     52  
  Aug 23, 2004     60  
  Aug 21, 2004     62  
  Aug 20, 2004     61  
  Aug 16, 2004     108  
  Aug 14, 2004     107  
  Aug 11, 2004     108  
  Aug 9, 2004     146  
  Aug 8, 2004     137  
  Aug 7, 2004     146  
  Aug 5, 2004     139  
  Aug 3, 2004     150  

Illegal & Illicit vs Who's Getting Paid?

Central hubs on the web fight off manipulation to keep their status and profit margins in tact. A side effect of this war on control over information access is the butchering of the English language.

Digg is Illegal?

Digg's CEO Jay Adelson said:

I'm sure there could be blackmailers out there. We absolutely know that every single day, people try to game our system. Users are involved in illegal or inappropriate activities all the time. They try to set up fake accounts to promote a story. The thing is, we make changes to our algorithm on a regular basis. We plan for that.

Notice how he put illegal and inappropriate right next to each other, as to equate them. This comes from the same company that published this:

We had to decide whether to remove stories containing a single code based on a cease and desist declaration. We had to make a call, and in our desire to avoid a scenario where Digg would be interrupted or shut down, we decided to comply and remove the stories with the code.

But now, after seeing hundreds of stories and reading thousands of comments, you’ve made it clear. You’d rather see Digg go down fighting than bow down to a bigger company. We hear you, and effective immediately we won’t delete stories or comments containing the code and will deal with whatever the consequences might be.

If we lose, then what the hell, at least we died trying.

Sure you can buy votes on Digg, and they arbitrarily ban websites. But does controlling a bunch of worthless traffic give them the right to butcher language to push their business objectives?

Google is Illicit?

Michael Gray's continued debate about the war on links spurred on additional conversation.

Why is the Yahoo! Directory Considered a Legitimate Link Buy?

In addition to what Jim said, I also believe the following play a role:

  • They predate Google.
  • Google needs some sort of baseline.
  • The directory business model is horrifically inefficient and poses no risk to Google's market dominence. (Yahoo! demoted it in favor of Yahoo! Answers. Even the Google Directory, a DMOZ clone, has a higher PageRank than the Yahoo! Directory does.)
  • Few other sites are comparable to the Yahoo! Directory (especially after the Google directory purge of 2007), so it is not a technique that can't be easily and profitably be replicated like paying for reviews.

The truth is independent link sellers often exercise more control than directory editors do.

The entire Business.com directory of over 65,000 categories is managed by 6 editors (source). How could they possibly review stuff as well as you or I do? They can't. But if we all do our business in a direct to direct exchange fashion the central networks and search engines do not get a cut of the action.

Why Google is Different than Digg

Unlike Digg users looking to waste time, searchers have real targeted intent and real value. In response to Michael Gray's post Danny Sullivan said:

But if he wants to stand up to Google, take the lead and block him from crawling his site -- and encourage others to do the same. ... No one has a right to Google traffic. Follow the rules, as stupid as they are, if you want it. If don't like the rules, sure, complain about them -- but don't argue they're robbing you of anything that is supposedly "yours."

But unplugging from Google is not as simple as blocking them in robots.txt. They can still pay others to steal your work and wrap it in their ads.

They change the guidelines on an as needed basis (use nofollow or else), apply them unevenly (why is TLA penalized when TextLinkBrokers still ranks?), and if they don't like you they can penalize other businesses associated with you.

Michael pointed out that the Google's Webmaster Guidelines butcher the word illicit. In response Danny wrote:

Michael, illicit as used on the Google Webmaster Guildelines page is defined by however Google wants to define it -- in that case, doing stuff against the guidelines.

When the networks screw people over it is the fault of "users" or "the algorithm," but when the central networks do not like what we do we are "criminals performing illicit acts."

You know what is illicit? Adultery. And Google ads recommend it.

Recently Google has been more than fair to me, but if they want to use the language they are using to try to control others, they need to clean up their ad network. Just because an ad has a high CPC and gets a high CTR does not mean that it is not immoral or illegal. Plenty of people commit crime.

Drupal Sessions Login Issue

A couple hours ago the sessions table for Drupal needed repaired or emptied because it was not allowing SEO Book users to login. I just emptied it, so you need to login again to comment, but it should work well again. Sorry about that.

Find Top Paying Keywords for Google AdSense

High Value Keyword List Data for YOUR Business

This video is about more than just generating keywords for AdSense sites, it is about finding the most valuable keywords for any business. But most the people searching for top paying keyword lists are looking for AdSense keyword lists. I wanted to welcome those searchers to this site by making it easy for them to find this post when they search for related keywords on Google (hence the use of AdSense in the page title).

Discover Your Top Keywords

In this video I explain...

Google Local Becomes a Destination

As mentioned on SearchEngineLand, the Google Local onebox may now include up to 10 links in it. The increase from 3 to 10 results was allegedly due to usability testing, but them using text smaller than the rest of the text on the search results doesn't really conform to good usability standards either.

Start your search on Google

Clickthrough to a Google map

Clickthrough to the top review site there - still get Google maps

While Google is playing catch up maps will remain open and free. Google Video lost to YouTube because of the viral nature of YouTube. And that cost Google $1.65 billion. Google will not make the same mistake with maps and local.

Most local plays are not viral, and those which have developer platforms limit usage. In a few years Yahoo! will be wishing they begged people to spread that data far and wide to build a leadership position in the market, which is what Google will do via syndication.

If Google can drive a lot of traffic to their local listings and start encouraging user reviews that gives them another way to keep users on the Google network and monetize the search results.

Self Investment 101: Are You Measuring OPPORTUNITY Cost?

When you evaluate the actual opportunity cost of business opportunities, most client relationships, equity stake deals, and other partnership opportunities fall short of what you could do on your own. The only ways it works out is if their is a symbiotic relationship through different approaches that balance out each other's shortcomings, or if you can learn something from working with them.

Problems With Many Opportunities

  • Unwilling Clients: Many clients are unwilling to change their sites to add unique content or value to them.
  • Employee / Slave Wage: Work for equity stake partnerships where the partner provides the domain name and you do everything else are both lopsided and useless.
    • At any time the partner with lots of domains can decide to screw up the project you are working on together, and has 0 time investment and limited capital risk by only putting one or a few domains into the partnership.
    • 6 months or a year after working with you they can take all the knowledge you spent years learning and apply it to their more valuable names while giving you nothing for teaching them everything you know. They were not teaching you how to buy domains why they were accumulating them for years. Why give all that knowledge up for a slice of a slice of a slice?
    • Buy an alternative average quality domain and keep all the equity. Build it up with sweat equity and learn your market. Buy great domain names when you can afford them.
  • Follow the Crowd: Many marketers try to saturate a field with affiliates marketing their products and teach affiliates how to market that same product as a piece of the product that is sold. The margins on those opportunities get compressed with each additional competitor you sell that product to.
    • Many marketers show stats out of context, use meaningless sample sizes, and/or lie about the hows and whys.
    • People hype opportunities long after they no longer exist because they are addicted to the easy profits still rolling in from old work building out an affiliate network.

Are You Moving Up the Value Chain?

I am not against any of the above models as a starting point, as everyone has to start from somewhere. But if you....

  • love business
  • love what you are doing
  • want to create a sustainable business
  • can afford short term risk for long term stability

...you need to build equity from your work, and have a controlling stake in the outcome. If it sounds to risky to change then at least start building a site for yourself in your spare time.

What If? ...

Sure it would have been nice to have been an early programmer at Google, but for every Google there are thousands of market losers. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can ever make, and you one have to be right once.

What happened if you invested in Google a month ago? It seems those who just bought into that market hype just lost a couple dollars. Will Google go back up? Most likely. Will they increase in value at a rate as quickly as you can? Not likely.

How Links Can Build Value & Profits

This is a somewhat basic video about how links can drive value. Props to Stunty for his 12 Different Types of Links and How To Get Them.
