AdSense Gold - Tracking AdSense Ad Clicks by Page and Keyword

A friend of mine recently quit his job to work as a full time content developer for me, where we share the revenues generated. He started off with about a 20 page website about a month ago and right now it has about 40 pages indexed in Google. Yesterday the site brought in about $40 in AdSense earnings (which is not a lot, but the site is young). Within 2 months I expect the site to be able to make at least $200 a day.

Create a Wide Net:

The ability to quickly grow revenues quickly is largely due to throwing out many fishing poles at the same time and then accepting the feedback the market provides. As you learn what feedback the market offers you can create more content in those areas.

Use Software to Track Your AdSense Clicks & Earnings Granularly:

Here are some ad click stats by URL from the last 3 days. Off to the left of this image are URLs which I did not want to include in the image, but you can see that a few of the pages get the bulk of the pageviews and the bulk of the clicks.

Image of ad clicks by URL over a 3 day period.

In the last 3 days 137 clicks came from 17 new pages that my friend recently created. That is not bad considering that the rest of the site has exceptionally amazing link authority pointing at its well established pages and only had 117 clicks over that same time period.

Keys to Understanding how to Profit from Content:

If content production is nothing but a game of margins (and it is) then it makes sense to focus on the areas that are easy to get exposure in and are conducive to click happy site visitors.

Track Your Earnings at the Keyword Phrase Level:

So that is kinda how tracking your site performance on a per URL basis can help, but you can also track your ad clicks on a per search query basis. I had to scroll down through 9 screens to look at all the search queries that wounded up leading to ad clicks on that site this month.

While there were hundreds of search queries that resulted in ad clicks many of them had any of about a half dozen common modifiers in them. The modifiers that were useful on certain pages of the site were also likely useful relevant words for other sections of the site or perhaps the entire site.

Manufacturing Sitewide Relevancy:

I recently modified the site to

  • integrating relevant keyword rich navigation, breaking large sections into smaller sections and using subheaders near the navigational categories/options and

  • a descriptive bit of teaser content integrated into the content on each page

Doing that makes it easy for every page on your site to naturally match many modifier rich queries that were previously only relevant to a few pages that may have only accidentally contained those modifiers that resulted in heavy traffic.

If it is done well it could double the productivity of your site without adding much risk profile. Good spam does not look like spam. The intent is hard to question if content development is done in a manner where the additional content and navigation elements look like they are useful and targeted at human consumption.

How Do I Track My AdSense Clickthrough Statistics? What are the Best Scripts to Use?

If you want to start tracking your AdSense clickthroughs I offer a free script to track AdSense via Google Analytics. If you don't mind splashing out $97 you may want to give's AdSense tracker a try as it has a few more features and is well worth the price if you intend on making big bank from AdSense. As a warning though, I found the associated newsletter to be so hyped up and spammy that I cursed him out for it, but I think AdSense Tracker itself is an exceptionally useful tool well worth its price.

The Contrarian Marketer

The effectiveness of a marketing mechanism is going to be inversely proportional to the volume of spam generated and marketed to the same demographic using that same mechanism. If a mechanism is saturated with spam you need to do things that add credibility or make your spam look less spamlike than the bulk of generated spam. As people kill the effectiveness of a medium or mechanism due to mass spam generation they may be setting up a new birth. The vastness of the web, the contrarian marketer idea, and the fact that antimarket forces (such as having knowledge, brand, government contracts, social connections, user lock-in, or data that competing businesses do not) are key to profiting are all a large part of the reason why SEO information can be so sketchy in nature.

I get lots of emails from people expecting a free business plan. If you expect the information you get from a free personalized email to be your edge in your marketplace then you ought to rethink your plan. The only way I am going to research a market in depth is if it is for a paid client or if I think I may want to enter it.

What works for me may not work for you. Where I fail you may be extraordinary. It all depends on your personality type, goals and interests. That is why my book and blog are more about throwing out lots of ideas that people can use to market instead of just offering some dumb no value add easy bake formula.

Surface level analysis typically only shows you what others are already doing. On the web it is hard to follow someone else's footsteps and catch them, especially if they think ahead and reinvest profits. Before you enter a market it helps to think of what value add, branding angle, or other idea you can use as a hook. What does the market want that is not being adequately supplied by the current vendors?

I had a cool chat with Caveman about the whole contrarian idea. That guy is sharp.

Building Trust in Ad Systems

Google's ad network is large enough that they can afford to kill off portions of their short term income to improve long term network viability. The still sell ads on garbage sites because some advertisers find value there (and others have small accounts or have not researched their spend). Andrew Goodman recently had a great post about how Google is filtering out the profitability of advertising noisy spammy AdWords ads to minimize the number of them appearing on Google. Andrew wrote:

Post pages that don't give adequate access to the crawler - or adequate keyword cues - and you risk facing the wrath of the quality scoring algorithm. It's less of a worry as much if you have an established account - it's new accounts that face the toughest tests with the predictive aspect of the algorithm, intended to weed out specific types of violators, experimenters, and ham-fisted copywriters.

In essence Google is going to require you to build trust and market data over time to gain the ability to even be trusted enough to gain anything near maximal ad distribution (even if you are willing to overpay for exposure).

Jumping from Paid Search to Organic Search

Some people believe that old sites only rank well because of the links they have acquired over time, but I think even just existing for a certain amount of time without being manually or algorithmically tripped up for some spam infraction allows search engines to place more trust on your site.

Plus requiring sites to be a bit older to rank well requires an additional expense and / or level of knowledge that many people lack.

You can bet that if they are taking a lets wait and see approach on paid ads they are also doing the same on organic search results.

YPN Regional Ad Targeting is Garbage

How is it possible that when you have a domain name, page titles, internal linkage, external linkage, page content, and search referal strings that all HEAVILY are focused around a specific state or region that Yahoo! shows many regionally targeted ads, but typically none that are relevant for the region your site targets?

Imagine a site that ranked well for everything related to Colorado mortgage but nearly exclusively showed credit card ads or mortgage ads for non-Colorado states. How are people going to click on those ads? How are those leads valuable to businesses?

Pretty bad relevancy there Yahoo!

How Commercial is a Web Page or Search Query?

Microsoft AdCenter Labs offers a tool for Detecting Online Commercial Intention. It estimates the probability of a web page or search query being information, commercial-informational, or commercial-transactional in nature. I think you have to use IE to use Microsoft's tool. Well at least they are consistant with the stupidity of trying to make it hard for their good ideas to spread.

You can also use Yahoo! Mindset to see how page relevancy scores change as algorithms move from commercial to informational in nature. Google's current search algorithms are heavily biased toward older and informational resources.

AdCenter tool link via WebMetricsGuru

Quick Indications of Low Quality Search Spam

As more and more of the web becomes spam (as a total % of the web) engines are going to get more selective about what they let in their indexes and people are going to be more selective about what they are willing to link at.

What are a few quick at-a-glance spameroooo indicators?

  • URL name - does it have 12 dashes in it? Is it a subdomain off something totally unrelated? SPAM!

  • folder names - are the exceedingly long and/or redundant? SPAM!
  • file names - are they redundant with the file paths and long? SPAM!
  • page titles, headers and content - are they so keyword rich that it is illegible? SPAM!
  • design - does it look like a 4 year old put it together? does the design not match the site? are the colors just ugly? SPAM!
  • graphics - do you use the a similar graphic to what most spammers in your industry use? SPAM!
  • ad placement - is the ad block floated left inline with the content area? SPAM!
  • outbound links - does it only link to crap off topic sites that link back? Is there a huge irrelevant link exchange area? SPAM!

I just wanted to feel like Doug for a day. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.

Why is it important to consider the above spammy signals? Search is self reinforcing. If just a few people who would have linked at your site do not because one of the above spam signals then you may never rise to the top to reap the fruits of a self reinforcing top ranked position.

Saturday I de-uglified a friends website by toning down its colors. That raised the ad CTR from 24% to 32% while making the site friendlier on the eyes and more linkable. There are many ways to increase earnings potential without making a site look much spammier. You have to consider linkworthiness as an opportunity cost in your site architecture and site monetization methods, especially if you are trying to maximize your revenues. The proper income maximization techniques vary greatly depending on your market, site quality and timeline.

The Importance of Establishing a Baseline

A number of my friends have stated that they have been growing less and less impressed with AdSense as a monetization model, but I think it provides a huge opportunity. The reasons I like using AdSense on a new site are:

  • Google has huge reach, so it shouldn't take their advertisers long to pick up on new advertising trends and opportunities

  • it requires virtually no effort, thus it allows you to scale without needing to hire ad sales reps
  • it makes it easy to establish a baseline earnings potential so you know how much to value your other media sales at
  • that also allows you to determine how much effort and investment each channel should get before committing you to spend thousands of dollars on a money losing channel.
  • if you track your ad clickthroughs you can also see which advertisers you are sending your leads at. If they keep buying them over an extended period of time and your site grows to be powerful with broad reach you can either partner with the same sources they are using, or perhaps create direct and premium partnerships with similar or better offers and companies in the same field

Of course there are downsides to placing AdSense ads on your site (like having your largest income generator and one of your largest sources of traffic being the same company), but as I have been building a few sites I have found AdSense helpful in determining where to pour resources.

John Scott recently had an AdSense integrated design competition , where he is offering a couple hundred dollars for a site design. Where else could you get a profitable and amazing site design for only a couple hundred dollars? Running a forum or being socially active helps you establish other baselines outside of your company and outside of AdSense, which allow you to be more efficient at finding and using resources. Friendships allow you to scale up and down without having to worry about hiring and firing employees.

Social interaction and the distribution it brings leads to further distribution, which gives you a wide reach of great people who will offer to give you feedback on your errors. So long as you are not defensive and do not try to control language when your ideas spread then nearly unlimited fast and honest feedback are great bonuses for anyone trying to spread ideas.

Which resources do you overvalue? Which resources do you undervalue? What do you use as helpful baselines in looking at the productivity of your business?

Another Rank Checker...

Corinaw at DP forums mentioned a new rank checker that shows rankings on many Google data centers, cache date, PageRank, number of indexed pages, and link data from Yahoo! and MSN. Here is an example result page.

Not overtly exciting, but a useful tool with an exceptionally clean interface.

Free Dan Thies SEO Teleclass

Dan Thies is holding a free SEO teleclass Tuesday, May 30, 2006. Well worth a listen if you are new to SEO or you would like to get a holistic overview of how the search market has recently changed and will continue to change going forward.

[Update: Dan's current class is full, but if you give him your email on the above linked page he will notify you when more classes become available.]

A Narrative on Link Relevancy & Link Authority

Caveman recently delivered a terrific post on WMW describing the evolution of SEO, and what it means to be relevant to Google.

...One day, a new search engine named G came along, and decided that if [a man] referred to himself as a pacifist, and others pointed to him as he walked by, then G would rank him as a pacifist.

...It did not take long before the criminal figured out that if the people who pointed to him as he walked by called him pacifist while they pointed, rather than just calling him by his name, his rankings went up for the term "pacifist." So he wore a sign - "pacifist" - and people called him that as they pointed, and his rankings rose.

...After a time, the man realized that if he got all of those he knew to call him pacifist, his rankings would rise further still, and that is what happened.

...So he thought, why not get strangers to call him pacifist, and in return he would refer to them as they wished to be referenced, and all those in his newly expanded network could rank even better for their respective terms. And so it was.


...This worked for a while, but eventually, G began to suspect that the faux-pacifists were getting better and better at creating the illusion that they were true pacifists, by begging, borrowing and buying the necessary accolades. It even became known that some faux-pacifists were bribing true pacifists to say nice things about the faux pacifists, so that G would be fooled.

...So, G decided to take drastic measures. They became a registrar so that that could look at each man's historical records. They learned to keep track of what each man said about himself and when, and what others said about each man, and when. And G learned to not trust those who suddenly one day out of the blue proclaimed themselves as pacifists, though their records bore no hint of that previously.

I think this narrative does a terrific job of describing the differences between real and synthetically manufactured authority.

In many small industries there is not much of a topical community, so it may not take much to rank in them, but if there are other legitimate sites ranking for the queries you want to rank for you really have to build reasons why subject matter experts would want to reference you in a positive light.

I think pointing out the social aspect of many links also drives home the concept of a natural editorial citation, and the fact that many real links are driven from social relationships.

Jim Boykin also recently posted on the historical importance of backlinks, and hinted at how he has been cherry picking killer links.
