Alexa Data Gets More Granular
Alexa updated and now shows link data, top websites by language or geographic market, as well as your top geographic markets. They also provide a site report service where they crawl your site for broken links.
Published: February 17, 2007 by Aaron Wall in marketing
It's nice to see Alexa adding more features. I find it to be very useful for looking at trends and for doing competitive research. You just have to sure to take their information with a bit of skepticism and factor in the webmaster slant among other things.
Awesome, great to see the geo-data.
I like their geographic slant. Nice touch.
I love all the new features of the Alexa but I really don't know why they don't show the number of internet users per million any more and show the percent of internet users who visit the sites.
I liked the number of internet users per million more.
Well, I've found one bug so far. Alexa is reporting that over 9% of my visitors come from Bahrain, a small island off Saudi Arabia. I have a feeling that jackass sports humour (written in English) isn't such a big deal there...
Am I the only one that thinks that alexa it's a nice toy but nothing more? Its user base is completly biased for business, operating system, browser and nationality (I wrote a post about it at
don't you agree?
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