Matt Cutts Talks German SEO Spam

Not in German, but a bit of a focus on Germany in this 29 minute Matt Cutts podcast interview.

Published: August 21, 2006 by Aaron Wall in interviews


August 28, 2006 - 12:33pm

I think the title is a little misleading though. He does not say much about Spam he rather talks about his preferred best practices that can be used anywhere.

August 22, 2006 - 6:16am

I like that guy that does the German show, sounds like he drinks lots of coffee.

August 22, 2006 - 8:28am

Yes, I actually do drink a lot of coffee :-)
... but in this case I may have been a little nervous (and english of course isn´t my mother language)

September 2, 2006 - 3:52pm

Great podcast. I've been asked to investigate different approaches to podcasting by a couple of clients and wonder what hardware was used for this interview. It looks like a tape recorder/mic combination. Great interview though (interviewer's English is excellent!) :)

September 4, 2006 - 10:11am

Hey Jason,
I used a Olympus WS-200S Digital Voice Recorder, together with a seperate (actually pretty expensive) Philips external microphone.

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