Backlink Analyzer Fixed

Some of my friends recently told me that the version of Backlink Analyzer on the site did not do the cross referencing of the anchor text profile. I linked the download page to a version that does.

If you downloaded Backlink Analyzer and you were not able to cross reference the anchor text profile give this version a try. After all the pages are spidered click the search terms button to bring up a full list of words in the anchor text, linking page title, and page copy of the page you are analyzing. You also can enter a phrase or groups of phrases and click the add keyword button to see how often those phrases occur in the anchor text.

I am hoping to have a new version out by the end of the month that will be cross platform, extensible plug-in friendly, and open source...will see how it goes.

Published: February 13, 2006 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


February 13, 2006 - 10:55am

Sweet, I've been waiting for an update, even the way it is I think it is the best tool out there.

June 12, 2006 - 12:13am

Still not working. No anchor text data.

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