PageRank Search Engine
While search has in many ways moved past raw PageRank scores there is a newish SEO tool called PRASE which allows you to grab the top search results from Google, Yahoo! and MSN and and then sorts them in order of PageRank. You can also set PageRank limits. One thing that sucks with the current tool is that it does not allow you to expand the depth to get any more than 10 results from any engine at one time.
Personally I would find the tool more interesting for hunting down high ranking low PageRank sites than to find high PageRank sites.
It's also kind of cool to see where all those links help you the most...Yahoo (at least for 75% of the queries I just ran).
Here in Russia we have more powerful tool Unfortunately it was restricted by it's owner GreeWood a few days ago. To use it one should contact GreenWood for an affiliation code (it's free). This tool can sort search results by PageRank from Yahoo and Google with any search query.
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