Google Cache Tool

I am having a friend of mine named Mike make a tool somewhat similar to this, but recently a free tool that checks to see if pages are cached in Google was created.

I am off to SES San Jose. The plane leaves in just over an hour and a half and I got to do a bit of shopping. I should show up around 3:30pm - 4pm today, so if you are out there I might run into you and my cell phone number is 401 207 1945.

Published: August 7, 2005 by Aaron Wall in seo tools


Grant cliv
October 31, 2006 - 12:28pm

hi mike,

i m a seo. i have a question. if i want to check three previous cache of a paticular page, which seo tools i have to change.

please suggest me any free tools to check this.



Chris Bradley
August 8, 2005 - 5:45pm

Hi Aaron,

just wanted to let you know i keep getting some funky stuff going on the seo tools page. about every 30-120 seconds, the page automatically refreshes and it only shows your Aug 7th update. all the others is cut off. not sure why its doing it, just thought i'd let you know.

btw, great page!


April 22, 2010 - 3:20pm

hi mike,

I m a regular reader of ur blog and wanted to say that ur blog rocks.
I also wanted to know that Is there any tool or method available using which we can update the cache pages on google


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