Friday Special: Peter D...Interviewed

I am a big fan of Search Engine Blog, and wanted to ask Peter a few questions about search, blogging, pants, and the web (ish). He knows the search world inside & out. He was one of the earliest search optimists who helped improved Infoseek search relevancy back in the 90s and has been consulting with clients globally since 2002 via his Go Fish consultancy.

He said sure to my interview request and here is the Peter D interview. I think I have changed some of my ideas of how I should do stuff from about every interview I have done, and this one is no exception.

Thanks again Peter.

Published: July 22, 2005 by Aaron Wall in interviews


July 22, 2005 - 10:46pm

bullocks is spelt with an 'o' Aaron....

But the interview was the dogs ;)

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