Elance & SEO Service Auction Websites...

and why they a waste of time...

out of 50 or so SEO requests over the course of a year...

  1. at least 50% of them were other SEO companies looking to see what the industry pricing was (IE: Abuse of the system).

  2. 25% of them were looking for the cheapist price in the world... like SEO for 100 bucks a month type thing...
  3. 20% of them were people that were looking for detailed SEO proposals so they could do the work themselves..
  4. 5% of them were real... and each of them had at least 30 Responses to their RFQ for a 500 buck a month or more project.

    With the time it takes to answer an RFQ (few hours per RFQ).. I could of done better just talking to people I know would need SEO work done IE: any site that collects money on the internet

Published: May 5, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


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