Buying Forum Sig Links,

Google Groups:
Froogle Merchants Group
also if you do not yet subscribe to SEM 2.0 it is a good list.

Buy Forum Sigs:
not sure how much value there is to it, but Sig Trader buys and sells forum post sig links. Amazing how many different ways there are to build links.

For Search Geeks:
in a forum post Xan recently mentioned
IBM Research Natural Language Processing
The retrieval of information from historical perspective

Published: March 22, 2005 by Aaron Wall in technology


March 23, 2005 - 3:03am

I like the idea of SigTraders... it just seems to be really Mickey Mouse looking... there's no way to track anything, or verify the sigs are even spiderable without checking everything out for yourself... it's a good concept, but SigTraders doesn't quite have it down yet.

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