Search Before the Purchase Report, Link Development, Webmaster Communities, Integration

DoubleClick "Search Before The Purchase" Report:
sounds like a report with an intended outcome, eh? report finds half of all purchases are preceded by a relevant search. (found on SEW blog)

  • Many buyers complete their relevant search activity well in advance of purchase
  • The majority of pre-purchase search activity (both searches and clicks) involves generic terms
  • Branded terms dominate search activity closer to the purchase

Link Development:
a thread on the topic...
Google and the Golden Ratio

what the hell happened to them?

horizontal is better than vertical - why it is better for most to be the keyword expert or the link broker or the AdWords guru than it is to be all things related to search. (found from A VC)

Global Consciousness Project:
sounds really cool.

Published: February 15, 2005 by Aaron Wall in marketing


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